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Looking forward to seeing your project - haven't had much time to work on Jd hip actions


I need a little help I was working on jd frames and this just happened any idea what I should be looking for? have been working with the frames for 45 min before this occurred ...any help would be appreciated

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well I found the servo that caused (I think) the problem but I don't know how or why it could do this it has ran great for at least the month i have had it...This is the neck servo ...and no the cable was not crushed between the servo and hinge point I thought that would have been the cause also...honestly this has been running fantastic up to this point..I am confused confused sick


Awe man, how unfortunate!

If a servo runs past it's physical ability to move, it will cause a short - this is an un-avoidable result of a servo moving too far in one direction. Referencing the photos, you will notice the neck servo is moved far too forward, which is further than it can physically move.

Motors will "spin" no matter what - so if you stop it from spinning, it will burn out - which is what happened.

You will surely need a new neck servo - and also any other servos which have burned wires. Don't think i've seen destruction like that before! It does suck to experience your first burn-out, but be proud that you did a great job at it!:D


well so far i have confirmed ezb /camera/led are all still working I am checking the head servo for any issues..I am proud of your hardware for holding up to that white smoke of death!


Thanks! I'm quite impressed as well. It's such a rare occurrence for something like that to happen from a stuck servo. Usually the servo smokes, never the wires. This is a first!


i too dont think thats from a mini servo,remember lucky boy? had also chort in mini servo.better to check the batt and the hands, you added,also the ezbv4 there are many wires burned so that give , me the idea that it started from the ezbv4.

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