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Ir/Serial Codes How-To

I've spent about 2 hours digging thru the community and some threads and such and can't find what I'm looking for. Does anyone have a link, tutorial or something for how to serial commands in a sequence from EZ-B?
For example let's say I'm able to connect to any toy's IR port via soldered connections and know their particular IR codes that I captured. Now, I want to to be able to send these codes from EZ-B to that toy directly (so without a remote). Can anyone point me to an available doc, tutorial or something?

Thanks a bunch.


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I was under the impression that some toys can be controlled via the UART Port from EZ-B if two wires are soldered to their IR connections. I know in the past I've seen posts about this..but maybe got lost somewhere. I know the IR codes for this toy and would like to control it from EZ-B...once I learn this...then I could do it possibly with other toys. Any chance or help would be greatly appreciated and just keeping it generic overall is good..



Your persistence is admirable ....:)

I got a used Roboquad for a school project, and i'm waiting for to restock the IoTiny to avoid paying international shipping... is taking forever.

Like i explained before the V3 firmware handled the Robo codes, when you deal with IR codes, the timing is everything, you can't handle the communication outside the firmware code.

You need to add a micro-controller (Arduino, PIC, etc) to handle the IR signals, and then via serial (UART-RX) receive the high level commands (forward, Back, etc) from EZB.

I did that and it works, also solves the issue of having different Robot PCB versions, internal designs.

If you are familiar with micro-controllers, i can send you some links otherwise if you want i can arrange a micro-controller with the code needed to integrate with an EZB 4.

Drop me an email (my profile).

i plan to document the integration but still waiting for Robotshop...



That would be awesome. Yes please send as I just got (today) a Arduino Mega and would like to play with this. Thanks


Your persistence is admirable .... Smile

I got a used Roboquad for a school project, and i'm waiting for to restock the IoTiny to avoid paying international shipping... is taking forever.

Like i explained before the V3 firmware handled the Robo codes, when you deal with IR codes, the timing is everything, you can't handle the communication outside the firmware code.

You need to add a micro-controller (Arduino, PIC, etc) to handle the IR signals, and then via serial (UART-RX) receive the high level commands (forward, Back, etc) from EZB.

I did that and it works, also solves the issue of having different Robot PCB versions, internal designs.

If you are familiar with micro-controllers, i can send you some links otherwise if you want i can arrange a micro-controller with the code needed to integrate with an EZB 4.

Drop me an email (my profile).

i plan to document the integration but still waiting for Robotshop...



You need to be careful interfacing hardware, is not plug and play.

  1. EZB is 3.3v, Arduino Mega is 5v. I'm using a Arduino Mini Pro 3.3v.

  2. you need a IR transmitter led, read the IR specs, you need to be careful selecting a resistor to control the amps and if you want to be in the safe side add a transistor to drive the led without sinking amps from arduino port (special when using low power boards like Mini Pro 3.3v)

Software: if you are familiar with Arduino there are a lot of links, i used these:

  1. arduino code using a customized IR lib

  2. high level roboquad codes (0x6xx):

  3. protocol timing sequence (low level) :

After the IR codes, you can monitor the serial port and create your message protocol to allow EZB to send commands e.g. "UP", "DOWN", etc.

my arduino code has some project specific stuff plus some other tests.

I've plans to document the integration although time is always a constrain...

I don't want to spam this thread with arduino details, if you have a specific question or if you need a tip drop me an email.


Ah since Arduino is cheap enough...I'll go ahead and order Arduino Mini Pro as well just to be safe. As for the IR transmitter LED let me know what your using. thanks
