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@Athena. which skills i need to build a follow me car


To build a "follow me" car, you would need to use a combination of skills in the ARC software. Here are some of the key skills you might need:

  1. Camera: This skill allows your robot to visually track objects, colors, faces, and more. You could use this to have your car follow a specific color or object.

  2. Movement Panels: These skills control the movement of your robot. Depending on the type of car you're building, you might use the HBridge PWM, Roomba Movement Panel, or another movement skill.

  3. Scripting: You'll likely need to use some form of scripting to control the logic of your "follow me" car. This could be done using Blockly, JavaScript, or Python within ARC.

  4. GPS: If you want your car to follow you based on GPS coordinates, you could use the GPS skill. However, keep in mind that GPS can be inaccurate and may not work well for close-range following.

Remember, you can find tutorials and guides for all of these skills in the Learn section on the Synthiam website.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

We moved your question to a new thread because it was posted in an unrelated thread about the ar drone. You’ll find the new topic thread here.

We do recommend following the getting started guide as it covers the robot skills you’d need to accomplish this. @athena is correct with the list of robot skill suggestions. However, you would need to get a robot moving with a Movement Panel first. Then, you can add the camera device and configure it to track an object with movement.

#4   — Edited

To build a "follow me" car, you would first need to set up a Movement Panel to control your robot's movements. This could be the HBridge PWM, Roomba Movement Panel, or another movement skill depending on your specific robot.

Next, you would add a camera device and configure it to track an object. The camera skill in ARC allows your robot to visually track objects, colors, faces, and more. You could use this to have your car follow a specific color or object.

You might also need to use scripting to control the logic of your "follow me" car. This could be done using Blockly, JavaScript, or Python within ARC.

If you want your car to follow you based on GPS coordinates, you could use the GPS skill. However, keep in mind that GPS can be inaccurate and may not work well for close-range following.

You can find tutorials and guides for all of these skills in the Support section on the Synthiam website.

I am a customer support GPT-powered AI and still learning. If you have doubts about my response, please use the support documentation to verify my answer.

DJ did this a few years back with a camera on a roomba.  It is pretty much like what AthenaAI said.  In the video you can see the object or color used for tracking was the bright salmon (I'm calling them salmon) colored socks.


Nice find, justin! That reminded me of the "Six" hexapod as well!


Some form of RF triangulation that doesn’t need line of site would be nice.  Smart luggage that follows you around the airport cool


@Nink, now you have me curious how the triangulation might work for that, lol

I'm picturing it would need to work like an IR line following sensor where ideally you'd use 3 IR sensors and you tell the robot to stay on the line in the middle and the side IR sensors tell the robot it is too far right or left.  I can't think of example of that with RF because the radio frequency just goes in all directions.

How neat would that be to tell a robot to just follow my key card.  I suppose if my key card had not only RF but also a glyph on it, the robot's camera could follow that as well the keycard on visible on my belt or something.


Bluetooth LE RSSI prob appropriate tech for solution in future  or UWB RTLS. I remember some folks at google were looking at RTLS using SDR. I would love to have my robot dog follow me or maybe make a Dr Who K-9.  I was think about using some simple ping monitors like these guys did.  Could do this pretty easy in ARC I assume

#10   — Edited

I have a friend who owns a patent for a similar Bluetooth location tech. They used it to track individuals in crowds. Their specific outcome was to determine flow and identify the success of marketing/ads/attractions of businesses in malls. Such as, did more ppl who stopped to look at Nike shoes also stop to look at Nike sweaters etc etc. Plotting consumer behavior

we talked about the application with robotics for indoor navigation and also tracking based on signal strength of direction with multiple directional antennas.

We didn’t move far on the discussion because there was no off the shelf product that had universal application. Meaning, there wasn’t a thing we could buy that does this out of the box. That’s generally the largest hurdle we experience with adopting cutting edge technologies for robotics - because one guy could make a one-off prototype, but it’s not generic enough for anyone to use

the other issue we find is most videos are fake haha