Asked — Edited

Hi, I'D Like To Work On

Hi, I'd like to work on the ez robot completely through C++plugins for the builder. Is there a reference of classes or other C++ plugin examples so I can learn how to access the robot features. I have absolutely no idea how to use the ARC beyond the importing plugins part. Thank you for reading.


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cool - i want you make plugins as well, it's a lot of fun. The great thing about Visual Studio is intellisense, which presents the commands associated with any object, and long as objects are named appropriately, it's self commenting. For example, moving a servo would use the servo object, and when you look at the available methods within the servo object, you'll see SetServoPosition() and a bunch of overrides. The code in C++ or C# uses the same objects because it inherits the same framework, so the plugin manual page applies to both languages C++ and C#.


Thanks for your answer if been trying a little and I've managed to make an interactive experience using the speech recognition system. Then I moved to work on the camera but I just can't see how to use the available classes to connect to it, could you lend me a hand.

#3   — Edited

If you want to connect to the camera directly, use the EZ_B.EZBv4Video class. It has a method for Start and an event for OnVideoFrame and Bitmap, etc..

But, the smartest thing to do is piggy-back off the existing Camera Device control by using the tutorial. Because if you connect to the camera directly, you end up taking over the entire camera with your one single plugin. Sharing the camera via the Camera Device gives more power to the user because it shares the camera. Sharing the camera is nice so other features that are provided in ARC's CAmera device control can be used along side your camera plugin.

Your plugin can get the video stream from the CAmera Device control.

This tutorial will be useful for you:

I recommend starting at the beginning and follow through the tutorial that teaches how to make a plugin. It's a great resource with a lot of info:)