Asked — Edited

Hi Everybody

I present, JeremiE, I am French,

I've always been attracted by the robot and crafts, so, I bought a recement ez pack:)

I look different in the project section, I find it super interresant and there are good ideas. I hope enjoyed the experience of everyone because I'm not very good at the moment, but I'm hopeful.

see you soon.


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Awesome Kalinox, I believe there are other members from France here on the Forum! I would like to see DJ Sures EZ-Board pins on the world map sometime! :)

United Kingdom

@irobot58 Or better still, plug in a GPS module and have Google track location of the robots:)

@Kalinox welcome to the site, EZB & ARC are super easy to use and learn, you'll get the hang of it before you know it and if you can't well we have a great community here to help:)