
Help With A Few Speech Synthesis Settings Issues?

Hello @Synthiam or @DJ,

Can I get some help with a few speech synthesis settings issues?

When testing the Speech synthesis settings skill with the Speech Synthesis skill I found the following:

When specifically using the speech synthesis settings skill with "Microsoft David Desktop" Voice with "Strong" or "Moderate" emphasis, a change in the Rate drop-down is ineffective, no change occurs. If the Emphasis is at "None" or "Reduced" the expected change in rate is applied.

All Emphasis and rate drop-downs work as expected with the "Microsoft Zira Desktop" Voice.

A couple of things with the volume slider in the Speech synthesis settings skill:

  1. If you change the volume slider, then activate say EZB and then go back to activate say PC the volume setting appears to stay the same position but the audible volume stays at the level that was previously selected. It only changes in audible volume if you toggle the slider and hit say PC first.

  2. The volume slider works on the Say PC side but does not work on the Say EZB side (the volume is uneffected on the EZB)

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Related Hardware EZ-B v4
Related Control Speech Synthesis Settings


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You documented the rate change and emphasis stuff here lol:

The reason for that is how microsoft windows works. Synthiam only has the ability to use api's for the operating system, we can't change the api because they're made by microsoft. Also, it seems like that speaking voice synthesis by microsoft is a black hole on what works and what doesn't. Strange behaviors you'll have to learn to live with:)


That’s quite weird that everything works as expected with the Zira voice but not David. I had assumed there was just a bug in the David selection code.

I guess I have troubleshot further than what was previously documented and it looks like the Reduced selection works for David as well.

Any plans to address the volume slider behaviours I discovered?

Otherwise, at the very least the documentation could be updated to inform the user of these behaviours Looks like the picture needs to updated with some numbers too