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Hc-Sr04 Ping Sensor

Hello! I am trying to add a distance sensor to my robot. I watched the tutorial video but I still do not quite get which wires to solder to which pins and then connect it to the EZ-B. It appears that the servo wire that comes in the kit was used to connect the sensor to the board. Is that correct? I have all the tools and materials ready but I am missing something. Any suggestions?


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United Kingdom

What's required: 2 servo extensions 1 Distance Sensor

Cut the female end off of both servo extensions. Cut the red and black wires off one of the extensions Strip back the wire Slip on some heat shrink tubing Solder the wires to the sensor as follows;

Extension 1 White to Trig Red to VCC Black to GND

Extension 2 White to echo

Slide the heat shrink over the soldered joints Heat up

Job's done.


That's very helpful. Thank you!

United Kingdom

Hello! Have I got this right then? I'm basing this on Rich's information and the Ping Radar manual...

User-inserted image

Thank you:)

United Kingdom

Yes, that'll work.

United Kingdom

nice diagram by the way, I'm going to steel that:) Makes it nice and clear how to connect it up.


I am looking to design a circuit to make it a PING type of sonar sensor PING sensor is made by parallax and uses 1 wire ,instead of ping (trig) and echo (pulse return)

Already made the schematic,so just need to build and test it.

USING A PING sonar sensor it free's up a digital port.

also bought a optical bench to test sensors ,but with so many projects plus work it hard to work on them

GOOD news no more work in about 2 months YEAH :) :) ,Need to retire early since dont need any money now.

And my robots need me badly,they not happy all apart