United Kingdom
Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by DJ Sures!

Firmware Question

Hello im having some problem's with my Ez-b v3.

The v3 was working fine i updated the Ez builder program which then said i had to update the firmware on the v3 to 16.6. Carried out the firmware all ok got to the end and was told to reboot the v3 i Disconnected the power waited for 5 second's and reconnected the power but the v3 led wont light up and i cant connect to it !

Any ideas on how to get it working or is it bin time ?

Regards Ron


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No LEDs at all (on both the controller and the Bluetooth radio)?.... Check the fuse?

United Kingdom

Hello mate the bluetooth light's up flashing but the board led is dead !


You're batteries good? The ezb3 would respond unless it has enough voltage... Sometimes people have brought there board back to life by gently removing the ezb chip (you'll have to remove the Bluetooth module first) and reseating it back in place...

United Kingdom

Hello again im running a main's not battery tried removing the chip and resetting it but the board is still dead ?

United Kingdom

Hello Rich yep every thing is as it should be but after the update the blue led is dead and windows and my phone can not see the ex-b


Sounds like the firmware did not update correctly on the EZ-B v3. Send it do us and we can reprogram it for you:) . Make sure you mark the package as a warranty return so no one is billed for duty taxes


Warranty Return c/o EZ-Robot Inc. 1212a - 9th Avenue SE Calgary, Alberta T2G 0T1 1-888-346-4333

United Kingdom

Hello Dj thank you i will post it first thing in the morning :-)

United Kingdom

Returned the v3 to be re-firmed