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Ezb Supports Most Systems

Since djsures said that the ezb supports most systems can it support my icybie a robotic dog from the the year 2001-2005?


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yes it can. if you look in the videos section he show how to hook it up to an exiting bot.


Currently it'll be a lot of work to connect to an icybie. A custom bot for icybie would be difficult because three isn't direct support for it, yet. There's another member that asked for icybie support. I have an icybie and will be adding support if I can. I feel it can be done:)


@DJ, If you need another Cybie for hacking let me know. I have a spare.


I haven't had time to hack mostly because i don't have a working battery pack - or something. Not sure what is wrong. I charge my icybie... The battery voltage looks normal with a volt meter, but when i turn on the icybie, it kinda goes into this weird position slowly and its lights flash red.

it used to work just fine. not sure what happened when it was in storage. i'm sure it's the batteries.


lol yep sounds like battery. Theres one guy in ebay selling them. I've tried looking for a new connector online but couldnt find it.


That's a bot I've only seen online troy , does yours work?


Yes it does Josh.:) But the problem is that it doesnt do much and there is only one supplier of newer batteries.

United Kingdom

Mine never used to work until i took it apart and just tinkered around with it and i think that was cool as i was 13