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Ezb Formula Race Car?

I was thinking about getting this 8 year old Giant race car to work with my Lap top,it is huge about the size of my kitchen table and really,really fast,needs a huge empty parking lot to use with Radio control but thinking how neat it would be to watch Live video and drive it with cell phone app or Lap top.Has anyone done this and is the EZB camera fast enough for Live racing?

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Upgrade to ARC Pro

Synthiam ARC Pro is a new tool that will help unleash your creativity with programming robots in just seconds!


Depending on the setup there can be a very slight delay in video, maybe 100ms(uncommon), but otherwise there is no delay. It would probably be safe to add failsafes, such as relays in between the power to the motors, etc incase things go weird. Otherwise this seems like a great project!


Yes I think it will be a great summer with all my projects getting ready!


Steering have a servo or a motor?

Servo will be easy to control, more precise turn. Motor can be a little challenging.


The rear motor works just like the posi differential on real cars and not yet sure if front is a servo motor until I take the body off and look, this actually was my brothers RC race car but He asked me to get it working again.Has not been run for a few years as his battery went bad and it damaged the contact pins for battery compartment.Will put new contact,wires and see what else to upgrade to make this bad boy go again.:D