Asked — Edited

Ez-Lidar Slam Plugin

@DJ, Thanks for publishing the EZ-LIDAR SLAM Plugin.

I have an xv-11 Lidar and the interface supplied is a micro USB

Please post some details on how you connected yours.

I see from the plugin that you use a UART port, but I don't see any details on how it's connected to the LIDAR

Regards, Frank


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I had the same impulse. I've a XV11 lidar, i looked for connection options.

  1. Do you have an idea of a price interval ?

  2. What will come first the Lidar or the IPS ?

  3. Release time ?

maybe is too early to ask ... but you started :)


Our lidar is aimed to be priced as a complete plug'n'play solution of $100 usd. It's an absolute blast - and i'm loving playing with it.

Release time is a good question with an equally good answer. I can't release too much information at this time, but big growth changes are happening at ezrobot's business core. These changes will mean queued products will be available soon - i'll provide more details when things have been finalized in the upcoming few weeks.


Looking forward to it.

Is the new video you posted today with Six doing automatic object avoidance? Can't wait!

[edited to include the video I referenced]



@DJ: a lot of new toys...

I think the price point is good.

I've tested/played a few XV-11, RP-LIDAR, Scanse sweep and I'm waiting for the new Turtlebot 3 Lidar (Hitachi) , i don't know the price yet but they mentioned is very affordable.

and now an ez-robot one.

@Alan: Thanks for the tip (video).


@DJ, Thanks for pursuing this.

I’m in.. sign me up for one!



@dj, thanks for pushing forward with what ever financial planning you ended up with. I look forward to what ever combines from it, including the lidar... hmm where to incorporate this on alans body ?! eek


Just watched the video. That’s very exciting (Lidar). I’m 35,000 feet in the sky so can’t download and explore the plug in. Can you tell me how you set the offset, ie distance from the robot for collision detection? Thinking ahead.


Does not work in the air:) are you worried with collisions, too many UFOs or what ?


I'll jump in on this one. One of the main suppliers we were working with become quite greedy. The quote received when deciding to prototype with this component would have allowed the Lidar unit to retail around $119. Once we were confident with the product we went to negotiate a VPA (volume purchase agreement) and the price came back nearly 300% higher than initially quoted. This price change would cause the Lidar retail price to be closer to the $250 range.

We are currently exploring alternative suppliers that will have more stable pricing models.


Wow thats amazing they could pull one on you like that. Hopefully you find a better supplier. I was looking forward to this one.


@alan, I was really surprised at your original estimate for the complete package as I think that lidar unit itself was about $100 retail quantity one

The new price you are thinking of would be OK with me, if it included SLAM software ready to run on EZB

Regards, Frank


Like @Frank, I would probably also be willing to pay the higher price if the solution was complete (ie, I could map out a space, then autonomously navigate it with avoidance of new objects added to the space, much like a Neato vacuum can do, although obviously without the need to try to cover every inch of the space, unless that was needed for initial mapping).

However, I certainly understand that price point means that you probably would not sell enough to get the volume you need for that price, so then the component price would probably go up even more.

However, I think if you try and target $150-$175 rather than $119, you will sell plenty of these. Although some of us are scraping and saving for each little bit of robotic gear, it seems to me that many are willing to spend significant amounts on their robots as long as the stuff works.



I would also pay the higher price just as the @thetechguru said.

So in the mean time, are there any other LIDAR's that work with your plugin?

Which LIDAR would people recommend in the mean time?


It's always been important to EZ-Robot to make robotics accessible, which a $250 add on part isn't. And while that may still be deemed as affordable in the world of LiDAR, it isn't for the masses. We continue to put efforts into finding a more cost effective solution that empowers schools, students and hobbyists to explore the world of navigation through LiDAR and SLAM in an affordable way.

I'm confident we will find an alternate solution somewhere in the middle-ground between the original $99-119 and $249. This solution will require additional sourcing time along with PCB redesign, negotiations and so on.

Thanks for your patience as we continue to progress on this mission.

@69developer - This plugin does not support other LiDAR units as it was a development plugin made specific to our R&D efforts.


I would pay the $250 for the LIDAR. Still much cheaper than a lot of the LIDARs that are on the market now.