Asked — Edited

Ez-B V3 Looking For With Robot Ok

If anyone has an ez-b v3 they are willing to part with let me know. or

If anyone has an ez-b v3 already in something like roboquad let me know as I could be interested (depending on price).



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Please be aware that the Wowee robots and ez-b v3 are not supported by EZ-Robot since 2012. If you take the effort to obtain an ez-b v3, and find a "roboquad", it may not work. There are dozens of versions of the wowee robots and only 1 of those versions work with the ez-b v3. There is no way to identify from the exterior if the version is compatible.

Disclaimer: EZ-Robot cannot provide support for the discontinued ez-b v3 or wowee robots.


You do know the definition of insanity right? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result...but in this case its saying the same thing over and over. (HEE HEE).. :D :D No actually yes. I do understand..

I do know for certain I do have the correct V1 robosapien thus this fair and helping my son with Asperger's into creating anything with help is always (yes always) worth it. He is high functioning and building/robots is what he if I can get an ez-b v3 to help it would be awesome.

@dj-sures By the way, for the record we are working on getting funding for the education curriculum you have DJ ;) as we have enough interested now... to start a small program...


Please be aware that the Wowee robots and ez-b v3 are not supported by EZ-Robot since 2012. If you take the effort to obtain an ez-b v3, and find a "roboquad", it may not work. There are dozens of versions of the wowee robots and only 1 of those versions work with the ez-b v3. There is no way to identify from the exterior if the version is compatible.

Disclaimer: EZ-Robot cannot provide support for the discontinued ez-b v3 or wowee robots.


I understand - ez-robot has to continue to mention that there is no support for both the v3 and wowee products every time it is mentioned to avoid future confusion. There can be no ties connecting ez-robot to wowee products, specifically for support. Wowee and ez-robot have no affiliation and are two separate identities.


@mtwannabe, not to burst your bubble, but you would need an older version of ARC as well to go with the v3 controller because those legacy projects are not part of the current ARC.




@mtwannabe, not to burst your bubble, but you would need an older version of ARC as well to go with the v3 controller because those legacy projects are not part of the current ARC.


Oh really? I thought there was possibly a Web archive of older version ARC online some where?