United Kingdom
Asked — Edited

Ez-B Not Responding?

Hi, I have just received my EZ-B Kit and plugged in the battery pack with 5 new AA batteries and I get nothing? No LED's nothing at all?

Any suggestions...



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This may be a dumb suggestion, but check the polarity of the wiring. Also, make sure the board is not sitting on anything conductive.

United Kingdom

All sorted now, after getting my multi-meter out, it was a bad connection on the battery pack.



I had the same issue with my battery pack. The terminals are too short to make a good connection with the batteries. What did you wind up doing? I just went out and bought a new battery pack from my local hardware store.

United Kingdom

I just put a blob of solder on the positive connection pads and that did it.


On the older battery packs I found that a few of them after hard use would break connection where the red wire meets the battery pack. You can prevent this from happening with a little dab of hot glue for a little extra support.



Hello All-

I had the same problem. I put new batteries into the battery holder and plugged it into the EZ-B. Nothing...

Then I noticed that the batteries were not in contact with the +(positive) contact in the battery box. The springs weren't strong enough to push the battery up to make contact. I guess the plastic holder "grabs onto" the batteries just a tad too much.

I ended up just sliding the batteries up manually to make contact, and it worked.

In the image, you can see how the + side of the battery is not touching the contact.


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