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  • 2011-12-03 - joined Synthiam
  • 2011-12-25 - created first new question
  • 2012-01-10 - joined your first forum discussion

Latest submissions


Tankwars Port?

Saw this cool project over at instructables and thought it would be really cool and easy to do with EZ-B. In fact, I think the only thing that is needed is someone to translate this really short arduino sketch into something the EZ-B can run. Is there someone out...
Switching Transistor

Switching Transistor

Id like to control a small DC motor pulling from a 7.2V battery using a switching transistor connected to one of the EZ-B digital ports and wanted to be 100% sure I was doing this...

Wtv020-Sd Sound Module

Does anyone have any experience with this sort of device? Is this a viable substitute for the Sparkfun MP3 trigger?

Source For Blown Fuse?

Im going nuts. Ive blown a bunch of fuses over the past few days and cant figure out what the cause of the problem is. My robot works for about 5 minutes and then just suddenly conks out. Wouldnt a short circuit blow the fuse almost immediately? Anyone have any tips on how to find the problem?

Ok To Post Trade Offers?

Hey DJ -- I wanted to be respectful of your board and was wondering how you felt about users posting trade offers. Im sure many of us have a ton of extra bits lying around because buying 100 LEDs from eBay was the same price as buying 2 from Radio Shack. What about setting up a section on the forum for trade offers?

Speaker Tone Random Notes Causing Bt Connection To Drop

When I hit the Random Notes button in the Speaker Tone panel, it causes the Bluetooth connection to drop. Anyone else experiencing this? Settings are on the default: Keyboard Note Length = 100 Random Note Length = 25 Random Note Count = 20

Haywire Servos When First Using Bv4113?

I noticed an unusual reoccuring glitch while I played with the BV4113 last night. For some reason, the servos attached to D1 and D2 would go crazy the first time I did anything with the BV4113 (which was connected to D0). The problem would go away after I moved the D1 and D2 servos but reappear each time I rebooted the EZ-B but only during the...

Movement Script For Bv4113 H-Bridge

I have a small bi-ped robot with a separate dc motor in each foot and the BV4113 controlling the two motors. Im trying to configure the Movement Script so that the FORWARD command alternates short bursts to each foot to mimic walking. Is there an easy way to do this?


Came across this little unit and was wondering if it can be easily incorporated to give my robot RFID capabilities. I was thinking it could be used to trigger various actions based on proximity to RFID tags placed around the house.

Controlling Multiple Robots With One Instance Of ARC?

Under the tutorial for the Movement Panel I noticed that while ARC can control multiple EZ-Bs, it can only control one Movement Panel at a time. Is there a way to work around this to control two separate robots with one instance of ARC? Im putting the finishing touches on my first robot now and thinking about picking up another kit for a second...
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