— Edited
hai frds i like ez robots very much but their disings look normal i like to give dsings (30)dj ures can you give me some parts of ez robot i hope you understand blush blush blush blush blush blush
iam a middle class family but i had intrest in robotis very much and making robots
please say yes or no blush blush blush blush

ineed ezbrobot i will give disings
Everyone is welcome to use the online store and buy from EZ Robot, you don't need DJ's permission.....
i can give disings bro i don't hove that much money

Unfortunately, EZ-Robots is a small start up company which has just literally poured over a million dollars in to R&D and manufacturing. As much as they would love to give away things to everyone I don't think they can really afford to.
Occasionally EZ-Robots do hold competitions so keep your eyes open for any of those. The only other way if you had no money would be to answer users questions with accurate, complete and correct solutions however you would need to be familiar with the software and the products (and beat Richard R or myself to it too which is a task in itself).
@Rich... LOL.... The only way I could possibly catch up to you in question answering is if you fell into a comma for a year or two....
hi if you cant by the robot in complete.by them in parts. one day you to have a complete robot.in the mean time you can make, all kinds off robotic things . this is how i do it.
@Richard haven't you noticed I've stepped back a little lately to give others (i.e. you) a chance?
@dinesh you can also 3D print all robots and parts if you know anyone with a 3D printer that's willing to help you out, then you just need to get the servos, sensors, batteries and EZ-B V4.
Dinesh, I am trying to fully understand your request. Can you explain in several sentences what you mean about disings? Are you offering advertisement, endorsements, or what? EZ Robot is a great product that you would enjoy ! Maybe you can tell by the response so far.
@Rich.... I have noticed dude..... You're still the go to guy, however....
@Steve S.... The Op wants something for free... Apparently begging on the streets of India has made it's way to the internet....
C'mon dude, you're middle class you have to pay like everyone else....
That was my first thought, second was to ask him directly.
Yea, I had to Google disings. I work with many people from India and had never heard this term. I almost asked some of these guys what this guy was trying to say. I gave up.
Maybe "disings" means "these things"?.... Anyway, you really can't fault the guy for trying to get something for free....
I think he is saying designs. His first post he called the robots "normal" (nice thing to say about something you want for free). I think he is offering to design robots in exchange for parts.
Alan, got it... makes sense now....
guys i am intrest in robotics but my father and my mom are not intrest in robotics they say that you should not go to the job on robotics so i cant give money to buy parts
In the real world... no money, no parts.... That's just the way it is... I never got anything free in my life. I had to work hard for the things I wanted or needed....
I mean no offence, but it is the same for everyone else....
try earning your own money so that way your parents cant stop you?
there's no other way, i don't think any company is willing to give out a 99 dollar device for free for no reason
gys im ready can any one give me ezvb3 circut digrams to make because my father didnt allow to oder much costly and it was discountinued i had another friend he is also intrested please stress stress stress
So you're going to build one?.... Ok, but how are you going to load the initial firmware? This has to be done at ez robot in Calgary, Canada...
Enter the current competition, you can get $200 in store credit, that's enough for an EZ-B.
The EZ-B (regardless of version) is not open source and therefore you will not be able to build your own.
Earn money and buy what you need or win a competition (there has been 1 previously too and I'm sure there will be more) and win store credit to spend. Other than that you wont get one.
Hi @dinesh,
Thanks for your interest in ezrobot! Unfortunately we have discontinued the ez-b v3 , but like our community members have been saying we just opened a contest!
"The World's first holiday robot contest! Submit a photo or video of your robot enjoying the Holiday Season for a chance to win $200.00 in ezrobot credit!
Send your photo, video or YouTube links to: contests@ez-robot.com (maximum video length: 60 seconds). The winner will be judged on creativity and originality.
Deadline for entries is Dec. 31st 2014."
Show us what the holidays in India are like and create a "robot" of some sort! We give big points for creativity and effort!
As we grow we hope to reach the Indian market and show your parents that robotics are the future! We hope you will join us
but snow were i get confused in India there is no snow but i an not leaving i will post my robot it is cheap because i am doing without knowledge of parents
You can get "snow" from many old freezers just scrap off the frost that is inside and you will have "snow"
Or you can use stuff like cotton or ground up styrofoam to simulate snow
i got idea it is time work iam going to make a line follower
i had make one its time for shooting
gys i send my robot how about you

i am in hope that i wil win the contest because i give my best
blush cool eyeroll
Why not post it here also so we can have a peek. confused
i'm interested in seeing what you've done
Thank you it is secret i will login after a couple of days exams tired
Yea , I want to see Christmas time in India! That's cool.
I had mail my veido already see in the holiday robot contest last ciedo is done by me blush blush
We celebrate christmas by giving gifts we wear santclaws dress and distrubit but new was givong gifts by robots