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Error Message Cant Connect To EZ Robot


I just got my EZ Robot in the mail today. After running the Bluetooth setup wizard. I am offered ONE com port (5) not two. When I press Connnect I get the error message "Cant connect to EZ Robot. During the setup it configured a Virtual Com Port then later I set up a Physical com port Both on Com 5.

I would really appreciate any help with this. I cant wait to play with this thing.

Tony Wheat


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Hey Tony,

  1. are you using an internal bluetooth module built into your computer?

  2. are you using the windows built in bluetooth interface?

  3. Remove the Linvor from the bluetooth device list. Remove ALL virtual com ports from device manager. Reboot. Follow the video instruction and re-install

Strange that it isn't working for you. Very strange!


i just got my ez-b. i have a gateway laptop, i dont think i have blue tooth at all in my laptop. i do have a logitech blue tooth track ball that is wireless, and i have the small wireless usb adapter for the mouse right now...

so what do i need? just another usb bluetooth connector for ez b?


i took off my bluetooth usb connector that goes to my logitech wireless trackball mouse. i am using the touch screen mouse pad on my laptop and was trying to use my usb adapter for bluetooth (and making sure the trackball is off), and it is not showing up when i search for bluetooth devices...

i have not removed virtual com ports, kinda afraid to delete stuff


Don't delete anything.

I don't think your wireless mouse is bluetooth either then. Do you have a bluetooth icon on your system tray? Just like in the video?


Actually no bluetooth icon in taskbar... But it's a wireless mouse that uses a USB adapter that looks like a Bluetooth dongle. I am at work and will have to look at the actual dongle again when I get home. I bought some Bluetooth dongles on eBay, will that work even if my laptop doesn't have Bluetooth inside already?


Wireless doesn't mean bluetooth:) If a unit comes with its own dongle, chances are it isn't bluetooth and uses it's own RF.

I can't gaurentee the eBay dongle will work. You're most likely better off going to a Future Shop or Best Buy or Radio Shack and purchasing a cheap usb bluetooth dongle there. That way you can return it if it doesn't work.

We receive emails from people who use the eBay dongles and some just don't work at all. They don't come with drivers or they come with bad software. Some come with shareware drivers that only connect for 30 minutes. It's hit-or-miss with those things.


Thanks DJ and Others

I finally got EZ to connect using Bluetooth! Thanks for replying so quickly to my post.
