
EZB Control From Android Tablet

I had hoped to control my robotic device with an android tablet.  I tried to download the ARC mobile version on my android 12 tablet through GooglePlay but was greeted with an error message that my tablet was not supported since the app was designed for an earlier android version.  Am I out of luck . . or maybe doing something wrong?  Thanks.


Related Hardware EZ-B v4


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what happens when you download straight from here on synthiam ?


Thanks for the response Nomad 6R.  The Synthium ARC download screen only lists the three (PC?) downloads for ARC.  There is no download selection for ARC Mobile.  I tried to download TEAMS on my android - ARC Installer (Teams).exe.msi - the resulting message is "Can't Open file."  So the Teams installer doesn't work on my android as far as I can tell.  I am a new android user, so maybe I am doing something wrong?  The Teams download is what I have on my PC.



if you have the mobile in your project , you have to look for , synthiam .

you have to look under synthiam . then you see synthiam ARC .


Thank you for your response Nomad 6R.  Unfortunately I did not understand your suggestions.  Do I have mobile in my project?  Do you mean a user interface?  I believe that is for PC control.  Look for synthium?  Look under synthium?  Do you mean the Synthium website?  I did find ARC in the Synthium website, but as I mentioned, there is no ARC Mobile download - only downloads for PC.  I apologize if I am misunderstanding your suggestions.



yes its the mobile interface in your project pc . then download synthiam ( ARC )  look for my projects . you will see  your mobile interface .

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#6   — Edited

Thank you again Nomad 6R for your suggestions.  I have read the ARC UI information and viewed the tutorial.  I also downloaded and installed ARC UI on my PC.  When I follow the tutorial instructions I am OK up to the point where I am instructed to select Properties under the Project heading.  Unlike the tutorial, the ARC UI selection does not appear in the Properties screen on my panel.  So I cannot fill in the required information (e.g. password).  Without that step I can't proceed further.  I must be doing something wrong, but have no idea what.  For what it is worth, I was able to build a user interface - but it was a separate "add" selection from ARC UI.



i believe the pasword is same as here and your project .


The ARC UI tutorial shows a screen in which things like the ARC UI password are entered.  That screen is accessed through Properties.  When I select Properties the panel that opens does not have "ARC UI" as a choice, thus I cannot fill out the necessary information.

When you say the password is the same as "here."  I'm not sure where "here" is.

Maybe my project is not eligible for some reason.

Thanks for your responses.



"here ) means here on synthiam .

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#10   — Edited

I haven't used ARC Mobile on Android for a long time. It used to work on my cell phone. I know they have phased it out and only keeping it around for legacy use. What ever that means. ARC has evolved a lot and maybe it has not been kept current to work with the latest version of Android???

Have you tried ARC Remote UI? It uses the same Interface Builder. ARC Remote UI displays interfaces you design in this interface builder. Again I haven't used it but I think it's the current choice to operate your robot remotely. You can get it on Google Play: Arc Remote UI

#11   — Edited

Thank you Dave for your reply and suggestions.  Yep, I think that the GooglePlay app has been phased out (not updated to current versions).

I was able to load the ARC UI app on my tablet.

Now for the tutorial.  My ARC program is not exactly like the tutorial.  For instance, "User Interface"  is a separate button and not under "Remote Control" like in the tutorial (Is my "TEAM" ARC program the reason?).

More importantly in the tutorial at 3:12 the direction is "select my robot, properties, and remote UI".  The tutorial video then shows this screen (below) with REM UI highlighted and an information panel.

User-inserted image

When I do that on my panel, this is the screen (below) that opens.

User-inserted image

Notice that there is no "Remote UI" selection  that I can choose.  Therefore I am not able to enter and save the required password and see the connection information.

I am now wondering if limitations of the TEAM version I am using is the reason for this problem



I haven't used this skill so I can't really help you with the setup. I do know that some of time videos are not up to date with changes in the skills. When this happens the videos do help getting you started. Dig around and see what you can find. Maybe tomorrow someone from synthian will answer your question.


i see you are using the upper tab ( project )  i think you need to use the upper tab ( options ) ?


Thanks Dave.  I've been doing so much digging I feel like an archaeologist must feel.  I've tried a lot of combinations.  If I am just trying something that will never work because of my ARC version, maybe someone from Synthium can let me know.  I do remember that Team has some limitations, but I don't know if this is one of them.  I see both you and Nomad 6R use the Pro version so your experiences may be different.

Thank you Nomad 6R.  According to the tutorial, the Project tab is what in needed to select Properties.  Properties is not an available selection under the Options tab at least in my version.




here a picture of how mine looks . i see destop in the drop down list.  do you save your project on your pc and in the cloud ?.

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#16   — Edited

seigezapf, in comparing your screen capture to Nomad's I can see clearly that he has the Remote UI tab and you do not. My guess is that you need to be a Pro subscriber to use this feature. I don't know what your financial positions is or what skills are mission critical for your robot. I know paying a fee for software is sometimes hard to do. However it's possible to pay a monthly subscription for the pro version. Then when you have everything working and don't need to add anything you can switch to the free Runtime (read only) version. This way you can get your robot up and running the way you need for a small fee.

Good Luck! Hopefully someone at Synthiam will soon confirm this issue for you.


Hello Nomad 6R. The project is saved on my PC.

Here is my panel.  Compare it to yours.  Everything is identical except you have four choices Design, Port Summary, Thumbnail, and REM UI.  You have checked REM UI and your project has appeared in the window.  My panel has only three choices Design, Port Summary, and Thumbnail.  NOTE that there is no REM UI choice.  That is the problem.

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seigezapf, Looks like we posted at the same time. Please see my post above yours.

In addition, I think you can purchases help from Synthiam Customer Support for about $10 and probably get a quick answer. However I feel out guess about you needing the Pro version that we both mentioned above is correct.


i would saved in the cloud too .  then remove ARC complete from your pc .reboot and redownload . as dave says the pro version is great no limits .


Thank you Dave.  I think your guess is what is happening.  Right now my robotic arm project is just something I am fiddling around with on the side.  It is something I started 9 years ago then put it on the shelf until now.  If I were to become more involved in robotics, especially if I were to start programming,  I would consider the PRO subscription.  Thank you for taking the time to explain how I might work that out with Pro and Runtime.

Back in 2014 I had several conversations about my robotic arm with a friend who is much more programming savvy than me.  He mentioned arduino as something I might explore.  At that time I found EZ-Robot to be something I could use that matched my fledgling competence.  These days EZ-Robot is seeming more opaque to me. I have run into one conundrum after another.  I think the EZ-Robot tutorials would be more useful if I had the correct (Pro) version.  Or it may be a diminishing of my mental acuity with age.  I hope not.  I'm going to take a look at arduino (and raspberry pi), though I'm guessing it will not be more understandable for me than EZ-Robot.



Thanks Nomad 6R.  Unfortunately I have no idea how I would save to the cloud rather than to my PC.  That may also be something that is only available in PRO.  I believe I will have to work with what I have unless I decide to update.



you can try it to save in the cloud . see #post 5 .next to SAVE AS  you see save cloud .if you dont save in the cloud am gessing you will not see your project on your mobile . also delete browser hystory before reboot pc .  if you have many try's from downloading . that can cause problems to .

btw dont say many times thanks .ones is enought .xD



ah .dave was correct then about the pro version .you can take a monthly decription .