
This does not affect operation - The robot skill still works. But, is anyone else experiencing this error with the dialogflow skill in arc?
This happens every other time I send something to DialogFlow using the Dialogflow skill in ARC. The script runs fine sometimes, but occasionally, seemingly at random, the error occurs and then script fails to execute, it seems. I do get a valid response from Dialogflow, but the script will not execute when this error appears.
This is the EZ-Script I'm using that runs in the dialogflow skill when sending anything.
controlCommand("Bing Speech Recognition", "PauseListening")
controlCommand("Bing Speech Recognition", "UnpauseListening")
It occurs randomly whenever I send anything to dialogflow, regardless if I type it in manually or whether the script in the BingSpeech skill I'm using sends it.
Here is a screenshot of my ARC project.
Thanks in advance. Hope you can help me resolve this.
Interesting. I wonder if the dialog flow response is missing a parameter that the code expects.
I’ll update the plug-in with some additional debugging info to see what’s going on.
Hard as i might, I'm unable to reproduce this error. Is there a missing configuration in the dialog flow configuration for your project? A missing intent or a missing response?
Hi DJ Sures.
I went back to check on my Dialogflow setup. I seemed everything was okay. However, I noticed that the error was being thrown whenever a request was sent correlating to Dialogflow's "Small Talk" feature (which I have setup for my robot). The error gets thrown every time for every phrase in Small Talk. I think I'll just have to hard code everything by hand--which I suppose will give me more liberty anyway.
Thanks! This resolves my issue.
I can take a look at how to handle the error so it’s a friendlier message. I’ll give it a look to see what small talk is and if I can reproduce it. If you have any advice on reproducing the error, let me know
Following. I want to add this to the drink dispensing robot while he is serving. Let me know if there is an issue and I will add a chatbot instead or see if there is a fix.
Will, there is no issue with the operation. When reading this thread, you'll see it's regarding a feature that has no action. Meaning, it isn't completely set up so it returns an error. This is not a bug that affects the operation of this robot skill.
Small talk should still work because there’s no action anyway. Just a response.
Ok sounds great. After this episode (7)finishes I’ll be deep into the programming episode (8) and will dive a bit deeper into it. Thanks.