— Edited
Resolved by jstarne1!
Hi there,
I was digging up on some 5 axis movement capabilities and came across this robotic arm that makes my project very promising at low cost:
Now I believe its got some DC motors and few servos. I was wondering about the connection with EZ board and EZ builder. Would I be needing anything extra to control the movement of these motors or simply just be able to provide power supply when I need to turn the motor?
Any suggestions or previous expertise would be a good aid.
Thank ye fellas!
- Ankit
This arm is all motors, no servos. Ideally you would use H-Bridges to replace the switches in the control box. You could use one of these for every two motors in the arm.
Hello ankit ! I'm Josh and welcome to the community. As Alan said the arm uses geared motors to move the arm around. Ideally you would use rc servos and brackets and a rc servo gripper /claw to make a arm. If you already have one of these arms and still insist on using it there is the option of robbing the control board from standard servos and the potentiometer. You can glue the potentiometer in place with hot glue so that the servo board has a point of reference , then wire the motor to the control board. That joint could then be controlled like a normal servo would by your EZ Board. If you have not purchased it though you may want to just build your own. Happy building- Josh
Hi Ankit , could you mark this thread as answered ? I'm trying to clear out some of the open threads , Thanks in advance