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Connection Question With Brookstone Rover V1

I am phyo and i have a problem connecting with Brookstone Rover V1 with ARC software it shows the error like this

19-Nov-14 11:56 PM - TCP Server stopped 19-Nov-14 11:56 PM - TCP Server stopped 19-Nov-14 11:56 PM - TCP Server stopped 19-Nov-14 11:56 PM - TCP Server stopped 19-Nov-14 11:56 PM - TCP Server stopped 19-Nov-14 11:56 PM - System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network at System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient..ctor(String hostname, Int32 port) at EZ_B.BrookstoneRover.() at EZ_B.BrookstoneRover.Connect(RoverVersionEnum version) at ? .(Object , EventArgs ) 19-Nov-14 11:56 PM - System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network at System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient..ctor(String hostname, Int32 port) at EZ_B.BrookstoneRover.() at EZ_B.BrookstoneRover.Connect(RoverVersionEnum version) at ? .(Object , EventArgs ) 19-Nov-14 11:57 PM - System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network at System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient..ctor(String hostname, Int32 port) at EZ_B.BrookstoneRover.() at EZ_B.BrookstoneRover.Connect(RoverVersionEnum version) at ? .(Object , EventArgs ) 19-Nov-14 11:57 PM - System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network at System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient..ctor(String hostname, Int32 port) at EZ_B.BrookstoneRover.() at EZ_B.BrookstoneRover.Connect(RoverVersionEnum version) at ? .(Object , EventArgs )

so how should i do it and the software version i used is latest one can u help me with this and it urgent i am doing this for my final year project



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DJ broke V1 support when trying to add support for V2. It is on his very long todo list to get fixed, but EZ-B stuff has a higher priority than 3rd party stuff.

Someone may be able to post an earlier version of ARC for you. I only keep one version back, so can't be of assistance.



Ohhh:( I am doing project with that Rover V1 and i seriously in need i cannt find anywhere if anyone can give me the old version i will be very very thankful


This is confusing. I just received my Roli with Brookstone Rover v1 camera and it doesn't work at all. And there is a v2 camera now that does work?

And the answer is that in upgrading ARC to work with v2, someone broke it so it won't work with v1. But the version of ARC that works with v1 is not available.

This is unbelievable, shipping stuff that doesn't work knowing that there is no workaround. Please tell me this isn't so.


@dn... What? Roli is an Ez Robot product and works great with it's camera. The Brookstone Rover is not made nor sold by ez robot... The software that worked with it was free... Dude, you can't have everything for free now can you?... About the camera. What camera are you talking about?... Roli comes with the eb4 camera... I think you refer to it as V2 camera... Version one worked with the ezb3 and connected to your pc via a Bluetooth dongle... The ezb4 camera plugs directly into the EZB4 board...



Roli works 100% with current software.

Brookstone Rover is a 3rd party robot. EZ-Robot is under no particular obligation to support 3rd party devices, and will fix it if and when they have time to handle low priority issues like supporting other companies products. If Brookstone published an SDK instead of forcing developers to reverse engineer if they want to use non Brookstone software this wouldn't be an issue. Complain to Brookstone about being closed source and difficult to work with.



@DN, as others have said - ez-robot does not sell or manufacture the Brookstone Rover. The Brookstone Rover is made by Brookstone and can be found in the Brookstone Store. The Brookstone Rover looks like this..

User-inserted image

You have also mentioned Roli in the same sentence. The Roli rover is made by ezrobot and sold in our store, as well as other retails. The Roli rover has no issues with ARC software. The ARC software was made for the Roli robot. There are getting started tutorials on the LEARN section for getting started with your Roli robot. I recommend pressing the LEARN button from the top of this website and following the tutorials.

Additionally, when you load the ARC software, there is a prompt asking if you would like to view the tutorials. There is the option to "do not show again", which you may have pushed. I do not recommend disabling features that are designed to help you:) Either way, the tutorials can be found by pressing the LEARN button from the top of this website. Scroll to the top of the website after reading this message and press the LEARN menu option.

For reference, here is a photo for the Roli robot...

User-inserted image

If you can tell us which of those two robots you have, it will be easier to help you:D


I didn't order any 3rd party parts. The Roli and camera came in the same box and looks exactly like the picture above with arms and grippers that work just fine. The blue LED is on steady. When I try to start the camera it shows this: EZB 0: EZB 1: EZB 2: EZB 3: EZB 4: 12/21/2014 2:40 PM - TCP Server stopped 12/21/2014 2:40 PM - TCP Server stopped 12/21/2014 2:40 PM - TCP Server stopped 12/21/2014 2:40 PM - TCP Server stopped 12/21/2014 2:40 PM - TCP Server stopped 12/21/2014 2:41 PM - Camera Initialized: Brookstone Rover v1 @ 320x240 12/21/2014 2:41 PM - Object Recognition loaded. 12/21/2014 2:41 PM - TCP Server stopped 12/21/2014 2:41 PM - TCP Server stopped 12/21/2014 2:41 PM - TCP Server stopped 12/21/2014 2:41 PM - TCP Server stopped 12/21/2014 2:41 PM - TCP Server stopped 12/21/2014 2:42 PM - Camera Disabled 12/21/2014 2:42 PM - Camera Disabled 12/21/2014 2:42 PM - Attempting connection on 12/21/2014 2:42 PM - Connected to 12/21/2014 2:42 PM - EZ-B reports EZ-B v4 OS 12/21/2014 2:42 PM - Welcome to EZ-B v4 Beta! 12/21/2014 2:42 PM - EZ-B v4 ID: 87-51-0-0-47-255-56-53-59-37-37-37 12/21/2014 2:42 PM - Connected 12/21/2014 2:42 PM - Setting battery monitor voltage: 6.6 12/21/2014 2:42 PM - Setting battery protection: True 12/21/2014 2:42 PM - Setting i2c rate: 100000 12/21/2014 2:42 PM - Camera Initialized: Brookstone Rover v1 @ 320x240 12/21/2014 2:43 PM - Camera Disabled 12/21/2014 2:43 PM - Camera Initialized: Brookstone Rover v1 @ 320x240 12/21/2014 2:44 PM - Camera Disabled 12/21/2014 2:44 PM - Camera Disabled 12/21/2014 2:44 PM - Camera Disabled 12/21/2014 2:44 PM - Camera Initialized: Brookstone Rover v1 @ 320x240

The only choice in the Video Device panel is "Brookstone Rover v1". There are no other choices. There is no drop-down when I click it. The 320x240 is also fixed and can't be changed. Clicking on 'Refresh List' does not add any more choices. Clicking the Start and Stop buttons doesn't change any choices. Nowhere can I find any other choices than Brookstone Rover v1.

I have read all the tutorials, 'dude' and everything else is working. All the dances and travel work fine. I don't have a dongle and I paid for every component directly from EZ-Robot. I don't expect anything for free, 'dude'.

Here is my Camera panel.

User-inserted image


@DN... have you set up your ezb yet? Is it in client mode or WP mode?... have you followed all the online tutorials on how to connect your ezb to your network and how to set up your Roli?....

The camera uses the same IP address as your ezb by the way....

It doesn't work right out of the box, there is some set up to be done first... It does work though. I personally have 7 ezb4s and 5 cameras all working perfectly... I promise you it really does work... Check out the tutorials...

United Kingdom

The problem is you have selected "Brookstone Rover v1" as the camera, this is incorrect.

The camera, as Richard said, uses the IP of the EZ-B. In your case it needs to be which is what it should be by default anyway.

Change the camera to (you may need to type it in manually) and you will find it works. If the camera is already started (as your screenshot indicates) you will need to stop it.

Alternately, you could just open the example Roli project, the camera is set up and saved for the default IP address and it should work without any modification (i.e. it should work out of the box).


I'd just like to point out, saying 'dude' in a threatening way and instantly assuming it's a problem on EZ-Robot's end is not going to help anyone. Explain your problem and someone will help you, no need to get nasty:D

but, as rich and richard r said, you have to use the EZ-B's camera, not the rover's camera. It'll be listed as EZB// if the camera is working and should show up in the camera drop down. Make sure everything is plugged in snug and you should see a steady blue light in the corner of the camera shell itself when its on as well.


@Sudo, I think @DN was reacting to Richard calling him dude and suggesting he wanted everything for free. Sounds like he was a little insulted and upset by Richards statement. I don't really blame DN's reaction. People who don't come around these parts often don't know that Richard is harmless, means well and does lots of good. He just get's that way from time to time. First impressions are hard to shake and understand when you don't know and love someone like we do with our Richard. ;)

@DN, hope this doesn't keep you from coming back. We really do like to help lost souls. Follow Rich's suggestion about manually typing in the IP address and I but you'll connect just fine. If not please come back for more help. :)


@DN Looking at your screen shot.. You will need to hit the STOP button next to the camera to activate the drop down. Then, before hitting dropdown, hit the refresh button. Then when you hit dropdown it should look similar to the screenshot below. It will include any web cam on your computer, Brookstone Rover, AR Drone, and should have a listing for EZB://

If your Roli is in client mode, you can change the EZB entry to the IP address of your Roli, or just type a new entry.


User-inserted image


Sorry everyone, I didn't mean to be offensive. Dave has described perfectly what I was thinking so I'll leave it at that.

I'm an older guy & when someone calls me 'dude', I immediately picture him as Spicoli in Fast Times at Ridgemont High and find it difficult to value his suggestions. So Richard, sorry, not your fault.

Also to Richard and others, I probably mislead most of you by latching on to this thread about the Brookstone Rover. I assumed that it was the camera I got from EZ-Robot. Now I know it is not and I understand your suggestions since you probably thought I bought it from a third party & was trying to get it to work with ezb.

I think in trying to get the camera to work, I tried a number of things, one of them was setting the device to Brookstone Rover v1 (in the beginning I could change the device). I was using the Roli Example file, making changes and saving the example. Not the best plan.

So what happened? Once I saved the example with the camera set for Brookstone Rover, I could not change it. And I guess I wasn't clear enough, but the text box for the device was Read-Only. I couldn't type into it, it didn't offer a drop down list, nothing. Clicking the Start/Stop and Refresh buttons, closing the Builder and restarting it didn't help. This added fuel to my belief that the Rover was the only camera supported and it couldn't be changed. I was also pretty sure that I had the WiFi connection working since all the servos were working, doing the dances, etc.

Solution? I saw that there was a new build (12/20) so I downloaded it. Now the camera device can be changed. I tried saving it with both the Rover selected and the ezb camera. I tried to repeat the problem but couldn't. So my only conclusions are that there was a bug in the Builder(12/19) that got fixed in 12/20 or that somehow I found a sequence of settings that caused the camera device to be stuck at the Rover setting.

I'm charging my battery & will try the camera in the morning.

Thanks to everyone for your suggestions and I appreciate that you are all spending your time trying to help me and others.

Best regards, Dennis


"Dude" must mean something different in Canada, because I don't know anyone who would get offended by it... My friends frequently refer to me as dude almost like a second name... Unfortunately you can't convey tone in posts.... In my post, I had no tone... If anything I was shooting for ironic.... Either way if you took my comment as a "shot" at you I can honestly say no malice was indented so I apologise if you felt there was....

Just so you understand I am the type of person who is not easily offended so I assume other people are them same.... Have to stop assuming that....


The Dude. One of the coolest Characters in movie history. Someone make me a White Russian please. :P

United Kingdom

I'm forever calling people doesn't mean my help isn't right by any means;)

Glad you sorted it out though however would suggest going through all of the lessons in the Learn section to get to know your robot, your EZB and the software.

@Dave, spot on dude! That rug ties the whole room together.