Asked — Edited

Clarifications On Kit Functionality

Dear EZ-Robot Users,

I have a motorized wheel chair base that I am looking to turn into an autonomous lawn bot. Possible uses:

  • Mowing (Slowly, with a weed whip or DC motor tool)
  • SnowShoveling
  • Pest Identification(Skunks, Raccoons)
  • Being able to position a PTZ camera in the yard and get a real time video feed back to the TV
  • Visitor Identification (face recognition)

In preparation for this new bot, I have done a wireless survey and have 2.4Ghz coverage corner to corner.

Here are my questions:

  1. Can this robot run in autonomous mode (under it's own control) for basic navigation without a PC or do all functions require a PC?

  2. Is there code available for the combo gyro, accelerometer, magnetometer chip so that accurate position information can be determined?

  3. Do the programming PC and control PC need to be the same device? I would like to get a small laptop (Thinkpad T-series) for dedicated robot control and develop on a Mac with parallels.

  4. Is running this development environment on Mac with Parallels 7 fairly painfree?

  5. Can programs be delivered over 802.11 wireless or do you need to use X-BEE/Bluetooth for remote access/control. Ideally, I would like the bot to be a host on the wireless network. I am just trying to get a handle on communication options.

  6. For manual control, what are best remote control system options e.g. (R/C controller)? I would like to be able to drive it around manually then switch it back to autonomous when done.

  7. I looked at some of the robo code in the archives. Is it difficult to write non-blocking code or code with a timeout? For example, set_servo(90) // turn servo to 90-degrees. If the servo can not rotate or is blocked, will the code hang there forever and freeze the bot?

It is a very impressive project and I am almost ready to jump in. Great job DJ! Thankyou, -Michael


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Synthiam ARC Pro is a new tool that will help unleash your creativity with programming robots in just seconds!


Welcome to the forum!

  1. You need a PC to operate the EZ-B - but you can embed one on the bot or communicate via bluetooth or X-Bee
  2. You can control it with a joystick/game controller plugged into your PC.

That is the extent of my knowledge, but I'm sure others on here will respond to your other items.


@msmith ARC is super duper powerful - it can't run on a Microcontroller, which is why a PC is necessary. You can use embedded computers like the Fit-PC or Mini-ITX. Although, you might find that having a "control room" PC in the house is more practical for fine-tuning and monitoring your robot.

People usually want an embedded PC until they realize how much control they lose:) I personally enjoy showing people the robot interface on the PC while the robot is interacting - people love that.

As for your questions, everything is possible. That's the point behind EZ-Robot. And if it doesn't do it, we work together to make it happen:D


Hi msmith Welcome At present I am in the same position as you converting an electric wheelchair to possibly cut the lawn in future. I Have added a few servos and have voice control of the motors ,using the EZ-B not sure how I will cut the grass yet.Possibly won't go for embedded pc much more fun as DJ said will watch with interest how you progress,Good luck
