Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by winstn60!

Can'T Get Continuous Servos To Work

Hi there,

This kind of baffles me and I'm wondering if there is anything I can do to fix the servos.

So I know the EZboard works, because it will drive the standard servos. I double checked that D0, D12, etc will work with the regular servos.

Now I plug in the continuous servos S04NF, and use the software controller for "modified servo". But the servos won't work. No sound, no action, nada.

So I take apart the servo and apply 5 v across the motor and the motor turns. I check the wires from the board to the motor and they are making electrical connections.

What else can I do?



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Did you adjust the settings in the modified servo panel? same as the modified servo Movement Panel you have to get the correct values before it will work I believe


@CCK , Hello , I was just checking in. Was you able to get your issue resolved? Unless you have other questions please mark the thread answered. Thank You - Josh