— Edited
I have try to find a answer for my qestion.
When i use my robot outside from my house, the robot disconnect. Now i use a extra WIFI Dongle. But how far i can go?
Gives a script or a option for display the signal strenth?
And my second question is, how i can change the EZB from Clientmode to AP Mode back with the Webserver? I have the Settingsite and i have change this. I have try this 10 times. All times i become display saved.
After reboot, the Clientmode is always back.
I can only reset this setting for press the Resetbutton on the EZB. But for this, i must oben the Cover.
Thanks for your service
Wifi signal is monitored by Microsoft Windows. Use a program like wifi info or look at your wifi network list.
Oh, I also thought that you can see wifi networks and their signal strength if you have a v4.x/2 by telneting into the console. I forget the command, but you can type "help" to see commands.
Ah ok. When i start te EZB in the AP Mode i see this in the Windows. Its ok for orientation. I was hopeless for a option for the EZB software in the app or desktop mode. Thanks DJ Sures.
I can change after reset to Client mode. No Problems, all works fine.
But the next problem is the Option in the EZB for change the mode Client to AP. How can i change this back without opening my robot and using the Resetbutton? I can change to the Clientmode and i can configure all options. But when i try to go back in AP mode, the EZB gives "save". After reboot, the EZB starts all 10 seconds new and makes reboot again. When i turn Power off and start new, all setings are not accept.
You do not have ezb v4.x/2 upgrade to see the wifi signal via the telnet interface. Otherwise, if you're using Client Mode, some routers will display the signal strength in their admin interface.
I do not understand your last post. However, if you want the additional new features, and faster communication, consider the EZ-B v4/2 Comm Upgrade
I use an AT&T WiFi hotspot on my robots.Allows WiFi with ezb anywhere that there is cellular network. Also Hotspot device can connect 5 devices at the same time. It is the size of a cell phone.
Thank you for your patience. My English is bad. I know.
I've found all the errors myself. My router does not have this option.
RB550F that is a good idea. I have a repeater now as a hotspot in the garden. The range is gigantic. Thanks
Last day i have try a wifi repeater for my wlan. I have some questions.
Does it use the same WLAN in the repeater with the same SSID? Or do you use the repeater another SSID?
The EZB works with my wlan complete. But when i go out of range, the ezb dont connect the repeater with the same SSID. So i have all times signal lost.
When iam driving and i lost signal, my robot dont stop. He drive away. I must run out of my house and catch my robot. Is this normal?
When EZ - builder lost the control, they is frozen. Complete out of control. I become a windows error.
And when i start in the normal menu the cam, and when i end the cam, i become a error and ARC. Frozen and closed application.
Different repeaters work differently. Some (most) can be set to use the same SSID, and your device will just connect to whichever one has the strongest signal, and should switch over seamlessly between them. I actually just use a second router with DHCP turned off, and hardwired to my main router as a network extender, and it works well with EZ-B. I had a repeater that also worked well, but it got ruined when my basement flooded.
I have seen some that we not really repeaters but more like internet sharing devices. They had their own SSID, DHCP server with their own IP address range, etc, just like a router, they just got their internet from your main router wirelessly. That would not be a good solution for EZ-B.
I highly recommend fixing your robot project. It is full of hundreds of errors. The status bar at the bottom of your screen must be displaying errors constantly, that you're ignoring. This is why ARC is unstable for your application...
Fix the errors and your software will be stable.
24.03.2017 10:05:58C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 10:05:58C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 10:05:58C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Rear Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:05:58C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Front Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:06:41C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 10:06:41C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 10:06:41C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Rear Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:06:41C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Front Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:07:01C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 10:07:01C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 10:07:01C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Rear Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:07:01C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Front Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:07:07C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 10:07:07C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 10:07:07C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Rear Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:07:07C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Front Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:09:22C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 10:09:22C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 10:09:22C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Rear Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:09:22C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Front Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:10:22C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 10:10:22C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 10:10:22C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Rear Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:10:22C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Front Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:10:33C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 10:10:33C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 10:10:33C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Rear Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:10:33C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Front Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:10:46C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 10:10:46C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 10:10:46C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Rear Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:10:46C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Front Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:12:06C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 10:12:06C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 10:12:06C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Rear Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:12:06C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Front Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:12:57C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 10:12:57C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 10:12:57C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Rear Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:12:57C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Front Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:15:55C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 10:15:55C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 10:15:55C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Rear Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:15:55C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Front Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:16:48C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 10:16:48C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 10:16:48C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Rear Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:16:48C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Front Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:17:13C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 10:17:13C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 10:17:13C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Rear Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:17:13C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Front Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:17:33C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 10:17:33C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 10:17:33C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Rear Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:17:33C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Front Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:18:28C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 10:18:28C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 10:18:28C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Rear Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:18:28C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Front Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:31:11C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 10:31:11C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 10:31:11C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Rear Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:31:11C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Front Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:36:12C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 10:36:12C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 10:36:12C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Rear Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:36:12C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Front Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 10:36:57C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBConnection Failed: System.Exception: Already connected. bei EZ_B.EZB.Connect(String hostname, Int32 baudRate) 24.03.2017 21:22:30C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 21:22:30C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 21:22:30C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Rear Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 21:22:30C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Front Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 21:24:27C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 21:24:27C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 21:24:27C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Rear Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 21:24:27C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Front Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 21:27:18C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBComm Err: System.IO.IOException: Von der bertragungsverbindung knnen keine Daten gelesen werden: Ein Verbindungsversuch ist fehlgeschlagen, da die Gegenstelle nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne nicht richtig reagiert hat, oder die hergestellte Verbindung war fehlerhaft, da der verbundene Host nicht reagiert hat. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Ein Verbindungsversuch ist fehlgeschlagen, da die Gegenstelle nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne nicht richtig reagiert hat, oder die hergestellte Verbindung war fehlerhaft, da der verbundene Host nicht reagiert hat bei System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags) bei System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelberwachung --- bei System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) bei EZ_B.EZB.DcGTgCUQXR(Int32 , Byte[] cmdData) 24.03.2017 21:27:18C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBBbytesToExpect: 2 24.03.2017 21:27:18C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZB Received: 0 0 24.03.2017 21:27:18C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBDisconnected 24.03.2017 22:32:35C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 22:32:35C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 22:32:35C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Rear Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 22:32:35C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Front Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 22:32:52C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBConnection Failed: System.Exception: Already connected. bei EZ_B.EZB.Connect(String hostname, Int32 baudRate) 24.03.2017 22:32:52C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBDisconnected 24.03.2017 22:33:05C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 22:33:05C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 22:33:05C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Rear Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 22:33:05C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Front Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 22:40:31C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 22:40:31C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 22:40:31C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Rear Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 22:40:31C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Front Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 22:43:34C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 22:43:34C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 22:44:30C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 22:44:30C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 22:46:13C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBCamera Initialized: EZB:// @ 640x480 24.03.2017 22:46:57C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 22:46:57C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 22:46:57C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Rear Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 22:46:57C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Front Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 22:50:02C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 22:50:02C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 22:52:35C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 22:52:35C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 23:00:25C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 23:00:25C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 23:00:25C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Rear Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 23:00:25C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Front Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 23:00:35C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 23:00:35C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 23:00:59C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 23:00:59C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 23:01:22C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBSpeech Synthesis Error (SayEZB): System.InvalidOperationException: Die Ausgabe des Synthesizers kann whrend des Sprechens nicht gendert werden. bei System.Speech.Internal.Synthesis.VoiceSynthesis.SetOutput(Stream stream, SpeechAudioFormatInfo formatInfo, Boolean headerInfo) bei System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer.SetOutputToNull() bei System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer.SetOutputStream(Stream stream, SpeechAudioFormatInfo formatInfo, Boolean headerInfo, Boolean closeStreamOnExit) bei System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer.SetOutputToAudioStream(Stream audioDestination, SpeechAudioFormatInfo formatInfo) bei EZ_B.SpeechSynth.SayToStream(String msg) bei EZ_Builder.UCForms.FormSpeechSynthesis.WY9tZY539q1(Object , EventArgs ) 24.03.2017 23:07:50C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 23:07:50C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 23:09:28C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 23:09:28C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 23:09:43C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 23:09:43C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 23:10:55C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 23:10:55C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 23:11:38C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 23:11:38C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 23:11:39C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBConnection Failed: System.Exception: Already connected. bei EZ_B.EZB.Connect(String hostname, Int32 baudRate) 24.03.2017 23:11:39C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBDisconnected 24.03.2017 23:11:39C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBComm Err: System.IO.IOException: Von der bertragungsverbindung knnen keine Daten gelesen werden: Ein Blockierungsvorgang wurde durch einen Aufruf von WSACancelBlockingCall unterbrochen. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Ein Blockierungsvorgang wurde durch einen Aufruf von WSACancelBlockingCall unterbrochen bei System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags) bei System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelberwachung --- bei System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) bei EZ_B.EZB.DcGTgCUQXR(Int32 , Byte[] cmdData) 24.03.2017 23:11:39C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBBbytesToExpect: 2 24.03.2017 23:11:39C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZB Received: 0 0 24.03.2017 23:11:39C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBDisconnected 24.03.2017 23:11:58C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBConnected 24.03.2017 23:13:47C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 23:13:47C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 23:16:46C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 23:16:46C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 23:21:18C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 23:21:18C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 23:22:34C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 23:22:34C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 23:22:34C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Rear Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 23:22:34C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Front Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 24.03.2017 23:22:52C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 23:22:52C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 23:23:01C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 23:23:01C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 23:29:46C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 23:29:46C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 23:33:38C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 23:33:38C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 23:35:51C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 23:35:51C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 23:35:57C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 23:35:57C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 23:44:04C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 23:44:04C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 24.03.2017 23:44:35C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 24.03.2017 23:44:35C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 25.03.2017 00:06:04C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBComm Err: System.IO.IOException: Von der bertragungsverbindung knnen keine Daten gelesen werden: Ein Verbindungsversuch ist fehlgeschlagen, da die Gegenstelle nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne nicht richtig reagiert hat, oder die hergestellte Verbindung war fehlerhaft, da der verbundene Host nicht reagiert hat. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Ein Verbindungsversuch ist fehlgeschlagen, da die Gegenstelle nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne nicht richtig reagiert hat, oder die hergestellte Verbindung war fehlerhaft, da der verbundene Host nicht reagiert hat bei System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags) bei System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelberwachung --- bei System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) bei EZ_B.EZB.DcGTgCUQXR(Int32 , Byte[] cmdData) 25.03.2017 00:06:04C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBBbytesToExpect: 2 25.03.2017 00:06:04C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZB? Received: 0 0 25.03.2017 00:06:04C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBEZ-B v4 Camera Error: System.IO.IOException: Von der bertragungsverbindung knnen keine Daten gelesen werden: Ein Verbindungsversuch ist fehlgeschlagen, da die Gegenstelle nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne nicht richtig reagiert hat, oder die hergestellte Verbindung war fehlerhaft, da der verbundene Host nicht reagiert hat. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Ein Verbindungsversuch ist fehlgeschlagen, da die Gegenstelle nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne nicht richtig reagiert hat, oder die hergestellte Verbindung war fehlerhaft, da der verbundene Host nicht reagiert hat bei System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags) bei System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelberwachung --- bei System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) bei EZ_B.EZBv4Video.pZy8bfPYaa(Int32 , Object ) 25.03.2017 00:07:43C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 25.03.2017 00:07:43C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 25.03.2017 00:07:52C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 25.03.2017 00:07:52C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 25.03.2017 00:09:30C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 25.03.2017 00:09:30C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 25.03.2017 00:09:50C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 25.03.2017 00:09:50C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 25.03.2017 00:10:02C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBCamera Initialized: EZB:// @ 640x480 25.03.2017 00:12:48C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 25.03.2017 00:12:48C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 25.03.2017 00:30:53C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBSaved C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZB 25.03.2017 00:36:07C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBSaved C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZB 25.03.2017 00:54:48C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 25.03.2017 00:54:48C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 25.03.2017 00:55:13C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBSaved C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZB 25.03.2017 00:56:30C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBSaved C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZB 25.03.2017 00:56:34C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBSaved C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZB 25.03.2017 00:56:34C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBDisconnected 25.03.2017 00:56:34C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBCamera Disabled 25.03.2017 00:56:35C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBError Camera.SetCaptureImage: System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt. bei AForge.Imaging.Drawing.Line(UnmanagedImage image, IntPoint point1, IntPoint point2, Color color) bei EZ_B.Camera.Pr7VaILumf(Object ) 25.03.2017 00:56:35C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBTCP Server stopped 25.03.2017 00:56:35C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBTCP Server stopped 25.03.2017 00:56:35C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBTCP Server stopped 25.03.2017 00:56:35C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBTCP Server stopped 25.03.2017 00:56:35C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBTCP Server stopped 25.03.2017 00:56:35C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBTCP Server stopped 25.03.2017 00:56:35C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBTCP Server stopped 25.03.2017 00:56:35C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBTCP Server stopped 25.03.2017 00:56:35C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBTCP Server stopped 25.03.2017 00:56:35C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBTCP Server stopped 25.03.2017 08:19:30C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 25.03.2017 08:19:30C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 25.03.2017 08:25:55C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 25.03.2017 08:25:55C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 25.03.2017 08:30:42C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 25.03.2017 08:30:42C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 25.03.2017 08:32:12C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 25.03.2017 08:32:12C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 25.03.2017 08:34:14C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 25.03.2017 08:34:14C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 25.03.2017 08:34:14C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Rear Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 25.03.2017 08:34:14C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Front Arm' does not exist. Can not send command 'AutoPositionStop'. 25.03.2017 08:35:09C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 25.03.2017 08:35:09C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 25.03.2017 08:35:14C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBComm Err: System.IO.IOException: Von der bertragungsverbindung knnen keine Daten gelesen werden: Ein Verbindungsversuch ist fehlgeschlagen, da die Gegenstelle nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne nicht richtig reagiert hat, oder die hergestellte Verbindung war fehlerhaft, da der verbundene Host nicht reagiert hat. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Ein Verbindungsversuch ist fehlgeschlagen, da die Gegenstelle nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne nicht richtig reagiert hat, oder die hergestellte Verbindung war fehlerhaft, da der verbundene Host nicht reagiert hat bei System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags) bei System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelberwachung --- bei System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) bei EZ_B.EZB.DcGTgCUQXR(Int32 , Byte[] cmdData) 25.03.2017 08:35:14C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBBbytesToExpect: 2 25.03.2017 08:35:14C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZB Received: 0 0 25.03.2017 08:35:14C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBDisconnected 25.03.2017 08:35:22C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBAttempting connection on 25.03.2017 08:35:27C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBComm Err: System.IO.IOException: Von der bertragungsverbindung knnen keine Daten gelesen werden: Ein Verbindungsversuch ist fehlgeschlagen, da die Gegenstelle nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne nicht richtig reagiert hat, oder die hergestellte Verbindung war fehlerhaft, da der verbundene Host nicht reagiert hat. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Ein Verbindungsversuch ist fehlgeschlagen, da die Gegenstelle nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne nicht richtig reagiert hat, oder die hergestellte Verbindung war fehlerhaft, da der verbundene Host nicht reagiert hat bei System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags) bei System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelberwachung --- bei System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) bei EZ_B.EZB.DcGTgCUQXR(Int32 , Byte[] cmdData) 25.03.2017 08:35:27C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBBbytesToExpect: 1 25.03.2017 08:35:27C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBU Received: 0 25.03.2017 08:35:27C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBDisconnected 25.03.2017 08:35:27C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBConnection Failed: System.Exception: Controller Not Responding bei EZ_B.EZB.jkbTpgud3g() bei EZ_B.EZB.Connect(String hostname, Int32 baudRate) 25.03.2017 08:35:27C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBDisconnected 25.03.2017 08:35:36C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBEZ-B v4 Camera Error: System.IO.IOException: Von der bertragungsverbindung knnen keine Daten gelesen werden: Ein Verbindungsversuch ist fehlgeschlagen, da die Gegenstelle nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne nicht richtig reagiert hat, oder die hergestellte Verbindung war fehlerhaft, da der verbundene Host nicht reagiert hat. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Ein Verbindungsversuch ist fehlgeschlagen, da die Gegenstelle nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne nicht richtig reagiert hat, oder die hergestellte Verbindung war fehlerhaft, da der verbundene Host nicht reagiert hat bei System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags) bei System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapelberwachung --- bei System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size) bei EZ_B.EZBv4Video.pZy8bfPYaa(Int32 , Object ) 25.03.2017 08:36:58C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 25.03.2017 08:36:58C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 25.03.2017 08:40:08C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 25.03.2017 08:40:08C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 25.03.2017 08:42:04C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 25.03.2017 08:42:04C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 25.03.2017 08:46:27C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBSaved C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZB 25.03.2017 08:48:17C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBSpeech Synthesis Error (SayEZB): System.InvalidOperationException: Die Ausgabe des Synthesizers kann whrend des Sprechens nicht gendert werden. bei System.Speech.Internal.Synthesis.VoiceSynthesis.SetOutput(Stream stream, SpeechAudioFormatInfo formatInfo, Boolean headerInfo) bei System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer.SetOutputToNull() bei System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer.SetOutputStream(Stream stream, SpeechAudioFormatInfo formatInfo, Boolean headerInfo, Boolean closeStreamOnExit) bei System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer.SetOutputToAudioStream(Stream audioDestination, SpeechAudioFormatInfo formatInfo) bei EZ_B.SpeechSynth.SayToStream(String msg) bei EZ_Builder.UCForms.FormSpeechSynthesis.WY9tZY539q1(Object , EventArgs ) 25.03.2017 08:49:06C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 25.03.2017 08:49:06C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 25.03.2017 09:04:56C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 25.03.2017 09:04:56C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 25.03.2017 09:19:17C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBSaved C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZB 25.03.2017 09:58:18C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 25.03.2017 09:58:18C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 25.03.2017 09:58:29C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 25.03.2017 09:58:29C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 25.03.2017 10:03:42C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 25.03.2017 10:03:42C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 25.03.2017 10:05:55C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 25.03.2017 10:05:55C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 25.03.2017 10:12:16C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Script Manager' does not exist. Can not send command 'ScriptStopAll'. 25.03.2017 10:12:16C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl named 'Robot Dancing Music' does not exist. Can not send command 'stop'. 25.03.2017 10:14:34C:\Users\Stiko\Documents\EZ-Builder\My Projects\EZRI.EZBControl name
For me the EZ b default Ap mode works great for long range outside,I do not need a wi fi repeater and tested the robot around a large camping area,stayed connected very good. You can see the video I made testing the range at the forum page Recent community videos---"Rad robot ready for field investigating all by itself" The connection never had any error only problem was I need a stronger battery for the motor controller to make it drive longer time.
My WIFI signal is large. With my Handy i can recive 50m around my house. But when i have 50% with my handy, my robot has not enough signal and lost it. The large problem is the fat stonewall from this old house. Now I have install a repeater in the garden.
Thanks Roborad. I have test the AP-Mode. In the AP Mode i must go outside from the house. The range from my house outside is not very long. This house has to fat walls. So i have try the using from the repeater.
Thanks DJ-sure for this tip. Hmm, how i can see my errors from the last days? Some days ago, i have fixed a lot of Errors. I have update the onlineproject from my robot.
Yes it was very greasy and i was on the wrong way. I have use to many script from other peoples. Now i use the most own scripts with blockly. Its great.
The Bugwindow comes not so often. How i can see a log after restart ARC?
Thanks for your time.
During ARC, you can see the log at the bottom of the screen.
After ARC, you can look in the My Documents\EZ-Builder\Logs folder
I have try and check the log. I have actually no errors. But i lost the connection sometime.
In this log, at the last lines, my robot was one metre from my computer away. Connection is with a WLAN-Stick per EZB Network.
I see only networkerrors. When i use my robot with my phone. I have the same problems. The robot disconnect sometimes. I have no idea why. My phone was direct near from 2 metres away.