Asked — Edited

Camera Tracking Glitch With All Cameras

I noticed lately when I use the Camera, tracking only last "one" time, whether it is face, color or whatever.

How can I deleted the camera and re-install it?


Related Hardware EZ-B v4
Related Control Cognitive Face


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Hmmm I haven't been experiencing this. What seems to happen? With any tracking type once the object is detected the camera skill crashes?

I don't think you need to uninstall the camera. Is it a camera that you have just installed or have you been using it for a while? I'm just trying to determine if anything has changed with your setup.

Do you have the latest version of ARC installed?


I have the latest version of ARC - later I can try another camera

I tried my computer camera and Ez B Camera thanks



So Jeremie, I just got back, what should I do?



If you could answer the first few questions I had in my first post that’d help me out:D

I need more info on what’s happening actually happening.

#5   — Edited

Wish we can speck, I will try the JD robot next.

ok, when I use the EZ-B v4 Camera, tracking,   with an IoTiny

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it only tracks once, then all the tracking boxes are empty - look below, I had it on face, then color, same thing happens, this just started.

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I use DJ code:

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here is the debug info: 2020/09/03 16:00:27 -05:00 - Attempting connection on 2020/09/03 16:00:27 -05:00 - Connected to 2020/09/03 16:00:27 -05:00 - Reports EZB v4 OS IoTiny 2020/09/03 16:00:27 -05:00 - Firmware 'EZ-Robot IoTiny standard firmware' on 'EZ-Robot EZ-B IoTiny' supports the following capabilities:

  • ADC with 12 bit Resolution
  • Can stream Audio v4 codec
  • Reports battery voltage
  • Reports CPU temperature
  • Read/Write Digital I/O Ports
  • I2C Master
  • LIPO battery protection & shutdown
  • PWM Duty on digital ports
  • PWM servos on digital ports
  • PWM servos on digital ports can release their position
  • Servo speed for PWM servos on digital ports
  • Has NVRam configuration and can be restored to default settings
  • Transmit Uart TX on all digital ports
  • Adjustable I2C clock speed
  • Ultrasonic Ping distance sensor support
  • 12 Byte Unique Identifier
  • Can stream video v4 codec
  • Native WiFi Connectivity from ARC
  • Broadcasts to ARC's PnP network scanner

Broadcasts to ARC's PnP network scanner 2020/09/03 16:00:27 -05:00 - EZ-Robot IoTiny standard firmware ID: 222-222-222-222-222-222-222-222-222-222-222-222 2020/09/03 16:00:27 -05:00 - Setting battery monitor voltage: 7 2020/09/03 16:00:27 -05:00 - Setting battery protection: True 2020/09/03 16:00:27 -05:00 - Setting i2c rate: 100000 2020/09/03 16:00:27 -05:00 - EZ-B voltage is 8.211534684 2020/09/03 16:00:27 -05:00 - EZ-B temperature is 25.02440624839843800C 2020/09/03 16:00:27 -05:00 - Connected 2020/09/03 16:00:36 -05:00 - Camera Initialized: EZB:// @ 320x240

I downloaded ARC again, did repair, no luck

Like I said,  I will try the JD robot next., Tested JD robot, same thing happens,

I deleted Arc, fresh install - same thing

any ideas?

thanks EzAng

#6   — Edited



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translates to:

// Wait until the camera detects a face
controlCommand("Camera", "CameraMovementTrackDisable");
controlCommand("Camera", "CameraUseTrackingScripts", false);
controlCommand("Camera", "CameraFaceTracking");
while (getVar("$CameraIsTracking") == 0);
controlCommand("Camera", "CameraDisableTracking");
controlCommand("Camera", "CameraUseTrackingScripts", true);

Audio.sayWait("I see a Face");

Basically WaitForFace blocky enables the cameraFaceTracking and then disables cameraFaceTracking

you can store the previous state i.e. before the WaitForFace and then set after the block

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I believe is a design choice.

#7   — Edited

I assumed CameraTrackingType was the configuration setting but is not. So I believe the solution is to have a global variable to set/store the tracking state and then restore the state after the WaitForFace.

#8   — Edited

I tried it, no luck

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#10   — Edited

Ptp, I re-arranged the code, now it works when it sees me and stay there for another round of seeing me again and again -  color or face

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still my Blockly code some controls appears and the next time it is gone like set isFaceTracking, , go figure :-)

tracking color

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In Java:

setVar("$CameraTrackingType", 0);

if (getVar("$CameraTrackingType") == 1) {

// Wait until the camera detects the specified color controlCommand("Camera", "CameraMovementTrackDisable"); controlCommand("Camera", "CameraUseTrackingScripts", false); controlCommand("Camera", "CameraColorTracking", "Red"); while (getVar("$CameraIsTracking") == 0); controlCommand("Camera", "CameraDisableTracking"); controlCommand("Camera", "CameraUseTrackingScripts", true);


if (getVar("$CameraTrackingType") == 1) {

controlCommand("Camera", "CameraColorTrackingEnable");


Audio.sayWait("I see red");


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I guess simple is not so simple today :-)

be well,

thanks EzAng