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Buy And Control Light

Question 1: Is there a spotlight that i could buy and control directly from

Question 2: How would i control a 12v flashlight/spotlight with a relay and the ez-b

Question 3: Which would be easier or more powerful.


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South Africa

I am new to EZ-B, but if you can toggle a led or switch led on and off with EZ-B, you can switch/control relay. Obviously most probably with transistor. I say this because I got a led toggled on and off with simple speech via the ARC. To replace the led with transistor, resistor and relay should go well.


A TIP 120 transistor lets you use a DO port as a switching port and you can get the power from anywhere.


@ RCStartToFinish

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Rex Gordon


The PicoSwitch is nice. It costs $19.99 + shipping.

Another one that has four relays for $28.95 + shipping can be found here:

The parts for the 2N2222 circuit above are about $2 to $5 depending on where you get them. It just depends on whether you are comfortable building your own circuits (which I love doing for something like this application):D


@rgordon I agree the less expensive way is to just build the circuit, but the switch I mentioned just makes it easier (and more expensive)