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I am presently researching Brainwave Technology,specifically Neurosky Mindwave http://neurosky.com/Products/MindWave.aspx I hope to control my Robot once I can interface it with EZ B. Would appreciate any assistance anyone may have with this Headset.
Now that is neat! When do you get the headset?
need to do some more research first DJ Thinking of cloning myself
Basically as it communicates by bluetooth dongle ins ( http://developer.neurosky.com/docs/doku.php?id=arduino_tutorial&s[]=arduino#powering_the_arduino
recommends hacking dongle ,my query is can I make connection to EZ B without using pcb's in diagram .
Purchasing the Ezb has allowed me to get rid of so many old fashioned servo cards, a pc, and hours of programming . I now believe there is only one card (ezb ) that interfaces with everything in the robot world.
Won,t be disappointed if doesn't . knowing what you have achieved ,its only a matter of time when it will.
PAT looks like we both have the same idea on using the mindwave on EZB look at the ideas i have on it. MY interface idea is using bluetooth with I2C buss without hacking the dongle,i found one that has a I2C interface for $20 and i know about the link on the arduino.
also found info on using a different bluetooth instead of using the one that comes with it and how to set it up
info on using a different BT dongle
We have a Neurosky MindWave and it doesn't do anything. In short, it doesn't work. There will not be support for MindWave in ARC. We have tested it extensively and it is not a reliable or useful product.
I spent some time reading about it... Its a rip.