
Best Method For Driving Meccano Wheels &Amp; Motors

Need more information on how to connect the Meccano (g15ks model) original wheels & motors to a EZ-B v4? Consider hardware, cost, ease of installation and compatibility with ARC . Thank you for your help, Cesar

P.S. I have update the servos with HDD EZB servos, & reconfigured the head & neck servos.

I will be adding a EZB camera, Ultrasonic Distance Sensor, & switches were needed.

Related Hardware EZ-B v4
Related Control Dual HBridge w/PWM


Upgrade to ARC Pro

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#1   — Edited

You have selected saber tooth serial as the control you’d like help with. I recommend a simple hbridge instead. The saber tooth is far more than what you need.

There’s a lot of mechanico toys turned into synthiam robots on this website. Have you had any luck looking? You can always ask one of their creators. I’ve never used that robot so i couldn’t be much help.

Ezrobot has a nice hbridge. The pen control works best, and it has a manual. Look here: ill edit your question and add the hbridge instead of saber tooth.