Asked — Edited

Battery Charger

Just opened my ez robot today, and I have a problem with my battery charger, a think is a problem with the manufacturer, cause I tried everthing you say I can do. I hope you can help me with a new battery or a new proccedure. Thank you


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What is your problem with the battery and the charger? Is the battery bloated? Does the battery have less than 3V?

Lights on the charger both lamps red and later a green?

You can buy batteries in the shop on the site.


Do not create new discussions for the same topic. Use this original one. Answer the questions people have generously provided. no one knows what kind of charger you have, what the error code is. Please provide information for people to assist you.

Your other thread has been deleted.


Please continue to use this thread and answer the questions. People are trying to help if you respond and stop creating new threads.

Your other thread has been deleted, again.