Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by DJ Sures!

Bad Servo?

So yesterday I got my AdventureBot in the mail and began setting it up with my daughter. Battery got a full charge and everything went together according to instructions. Fired it up and went to use the Movement Panel and it spun like a top. No big deal I figured, things are plugged in properly so one servo is just going faster and I need to calibrate.

Run through the calibration tutorial. The servos are stationary at 90 but I set the ranges as recommended just to make sure and try again. At this point I discover that one of the servos only goes in one direction regardless of which direction you input.

Check ports: connections good. Switch ports: problem follows servo. max/min the range with the stop in the middle: still does it, but the rotation speed is slowed at 180 like it is set close to the stop position.

Sure seems like it's buggered, but maybe I'm missing something. What should I do next?


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I've never heard of that - too funny. So one servo always moves the same direction? Must be the servo not wanting to co-operate. Contact Us and provide a link to this thread so we can get you back up and running!