Resolved Resolved by DJ Sures!

BUG In RGB Animate In Roboscratch?

I am working through my EZ Robot lessons from scratch. I am currently in RoboScratch and am finding a few bugs. Some of course are just things I need to figure out for myself as its a learning thing but others I feel are legit bugs. Maybe due to the fact its an older program and ARC is so far beyond it. Anyway... I am finding that once I create an RGB animation in a work space its there to stay. If I delete the animation, clear the workspace and reload the original one... the newer RGB animation is still there in JD's eyes.  I have to quit ARC and shut JD down in order to get back to the original Eye RGB animation.  Any thoughts?



Related Hardware JD Humanoid


Upgrade to ARC Pro

ARC Pro will give you immediate updates and new features needed to unleash your robot's potential!


That's something we've been aware of - but it's a pretty low priority at the moment because there's a work around. Don't select rgb animations or Auto Position actions that don't exist:) in the meantime. Thanks for letting us know you came across it though!


Thanks DJ,

I thought maybe you might be aware of it and I understand its low priority since you are so far beyond RoboScratch these days. I am working through RoboScratch so I am not skipping anything on the learning curve.  I have not been able to make " wait for face" work in RoboScratch as well. In Blocky its no problem but it won't work in Roboscratch. Again.. not a complaint... just letting you know in case its something you want to visit sometime.




I’ll add it to the list:) thanks!


LOL. I am surprised that you even have time to reply to these things. We know you are busy and we appreciate the time!



#5   — Edited

Anytime, Tim:)

BTW, the latest build fixes the RoboScratch and Blockly camera "wait for ______" stuff. I recommend using the ARC Beta to maintain up-to-date fixes

#6   — Edited

Thanks DJ,

When do you ever have time to sleep???????   I hope mentioning these little bugs hasn't seemed a nuisance. I thought it best to mention them as people learning might thing they were not doing something right when something doesn't work. That might discourage them.  It was encouraging to see the programs run this time.:) So thanks for the updates.

