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Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by DJ Sures!

Arduino Uno With A Ultrasound Sensor - ARC Control

I can’t seem to get hc-sr04 to function with above. I got servos working but this seems to hang- any thoughts thnx guys? Error message - Capability ultrasonic Ping distance sensor support’ is not supported on this EZ-B device.

Related Hardware Arduino Genuino Uno


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United Kingdom

Follow up - error report ultrasound sensor not supported on this device tnx for help guys


Hello @Hobb0,

Not all the ARC controls are supported yet for Arduino, Raspberry Pi, etc. It seems that the Ultrasonic is one of those controls.


I will try my Ultrasonic sensor later, the sharp sensor works


I did test the Ez -robot Ultrasonic sensor with the arduino tonight, not compatible

United Kingdom

Plz send urgent request to developers - this is a great system but I really need this function - many many tnx guys @ezang n @ Jeremy both many thnx for looking

United Kingdom
#8   — Edited

Tnx @ezang - nice link but ARC throwing error msg. ultrasound sensor not supported yet for Arduino

United Kingdom
#10   — Edited

Cheers - that will take me awhile to test - tnx sorry bud - cannot  see where to change 5 to 6 - Arduino firmware sketch has a few numbers in it lol


good luck my friend


I've updated the firmware and it'll be online in the next few days

United Kingdom

Wow speedy reply - thnx


great, thanks - sounds good

United Kingdom
#15   — Edited

Ultrasound sensor still not functioning on Arduino as above. I have updated firmware v 5 and ARC but same error message capability ultrasound ping distance sensor support is not supported on this EZ-B device  what’s going on - sorry

United Kingdom

Yes I updated to beta

United Kingdom

Nice and thnx - I will give it a whirl

United Kingdom

Got new version - restarted machine etc but ....... ultrasonic distance and ultrasonic radar give error and then disconnect com3

Comm error - timed out  Also within script manager -

getPing - crashes programme


United Kingdom

@DJ many thnx - working good now-

United Kingdom

Thnx- all working now


Can't wait to try the Ultrasonic sensor with the new firmware, soon as I get home later, the wii remotes works great with Arduino also.


I used the sharp ir sensor, works great with the arduino