Asked — Edited
Resolved Resolved by DJ Sures!

Ar.Drone 2.0 And Color Tracking

Hello from germany ;-)

Im trying to track colors with my AR Drone 2.

Tutorial 31 (ARDrone) works really well. The video is nearly without latency and i made some modifications to controlling the drone with my joystick/gamepad. This works pretty good, too!

In Tutorial 11 (Color Tracking) works with my webcam, but i have a delay of about 1,5 seconds, but thats not really the problem. The Problem is, that im thinking that tutorial 11 only works with the ARDrone 1.

Is there a possobility to use the ARDrone 2 with the method Camera.StartCamera?


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@Colenone87 AR Drone 2.0 isn't supported yet with Wifi AP yet, I found that out when Playing around with AR Drone 1.0. Maybe its the same for the Camera.StartCamera Command for AR Drone 2.0 also..


That's because Tutorial 11 is not written for the AR Drone. You will have to modify it to work with the AR Drone. The EZ-SDK was not created exclusively for the AR Drone. The EZ-SDK was created for the entire EZ-Robot package and demonstrates how to control robots, in general.

Also, Tutorial 11 is only moving a servo - the AR Drone is a flying drone, not a servo. A servo is a mechanical motor that moves and used in robotics - for limbs, and joints, etc..

the Tutorial 31 demonstrates how to connect and control the AR drone using direct commands. You can also use the Movement Panel - this is why there are many projects in the EZ-SDK package. Including many packages demonstrates how you can do all of the different things. It would be absolutely impossible to have a single gigantic project that demonstrates everything the EZ-SDK is capable of doing. I would recommend using ARC as well.

I am on vacation and do not have an AR Drone with me at the moment - however, I have modified the Tutorial 31 code to include an example of how camera color tracking works. I have attached it here...

good luck and happy new year:)


First to say, your modification works well. Red color is very good detected. Thank you Dj Sures! That will help me very much to implement color tracking in my application.

I know that Tutorial 11 was not written for the ARDrone, but the Combobox shows me a "AR Parrot Drone", so i thought it will work with the AR Drone (probably only V1, because the tutorial was written a long time ago ;-)).

And i know, that the Tutorials only show a few possibilities of the SDK, but they are good to learn an understand the SDK.

And sure, the EZ-SDK is not only for the ARDrone.

I have to say, after a long search in the internet, for me it is the best way to work with my ARDrone. There are a few alternatives, but mostly based on linux.

And now, enjoy your holidays an an happy new year!


That's great to hear you have it working:) Hopefully you will share a video of your project. I'd love to see what you come up with!

Enjoy your holidays as well!


Sure, i will present my project, but give me some time ;-)