United Kingdom
Resolved Resolved by Herr Ball!

Alternative Servos

I am finding that conventional radio control servos are just too noisy. So, would Dynamixel, Feetech, LewanSoul or LynxMotion be an affordable alternative for a beginner?

Related Hardware EZ-B v4


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United Kingdom

Very impressive!!! So, please excuse my ignorance, but do these HDD servos just have ezrobot HD written on them?

#4   — Edited

Herr ball is correct. The HD servos have HD written on them, and they’re quite loud. The HDD servos have HDD written in them, and they’re quiet.

I posted a video above that explains

United Kingdom

Thanks very much for confirming

#6   — Edited

@barnardsb, From what I hear in the video it says, Jermie (the lead engineer at EZ Robot) designed and implemented the EZ Robot HDD servos. That tells me these are not generic servos that EZ Robot painted their name on. EZ Robot actually designed them for their sale.