Hi Gang,
Well, I finally killed my EZB by not being careful and getting in a hurry. Ya think I'd know better by now. I was moving a wire in my robot that is supplied with 24vDC while it was energized and drug it across the Digital ports of EZB while it was energized. The Blue light locked on and I removed power right away. Next time I turned EZB board on I got no blue light, the red Bluetooth light does blink but the main large chip and the regulator next to the blue light gets very hot.
I know I burnt something up on the board that needs to be replaced. I've read that when EZB's supply power is reversed the Regulator needs to be replaces. That post says the two 5 volt regulators on the EZ-B V3 board that are mounted to the two heat sinks are:
- LM1084 IT 5.0 ( VR1 )
- MIC29300 5.0 WT ( VR2 )
Is there a schismatic posted somewhere of the circuitry of the EZB V3 so I can see what else I may have fried when blowing 24v backwards through the digital ports?
I'm very open to advice as what I may have burnt up or need to change out. Hope I didn't burn up the main chip. tired
Thanks, Dave Schulpius
Arrrrrrgh !I am very sorry to hear that! That really sucks! on the upside your V4 will be coming soon..I am thinking 4 weeks!
I have a pinout of the chip but that is all
I am waiting for DJ to get back and give me some advice on my board where the I2C port is failing and may need a replacement chip...speaking of which perhaps that's all you need! Anyways heres a pdf of the pinouts and descriptionsPIC18F4685EZROBOTCHIP.pdf. Underneath the Bluetooth is the chi ID. I hope this helps. I think you have two so that means only working on one portion now 
Thanks Glen for the pin out on the chip. I hope there's a schismatic of the board it's self. If not I'll just have to follow the traces.
I'll contact EZ Robot and ask to buy a new chip and order a few regulators from Mouser. Your right, I hope to get my V4's in in a few weeks but I'd like to get this one back running again. I do have two other working boards but their in use in other parts of B9.
You might try pulling that PIC chip out and then re-install it. Sometimes that clears some of the ports. You may have to use another of your boards and do a stare and compare with a multimeter to possibly uncover a failed component. I have not seen any published .pdf schematics for the EZ-B(V3).
@ dschulpius - Ez robot is out of Pic chips bud , sorry
they are at New York Toy fair and probably away from a pc at the time to get to the websites emails. So instead of waiting I wanted to let you know. You may want to order a v4 or two before the end of the month and get in on the pre order Price so you can get one shipped out next month. I zapped one with static once and blew a tracing on D19 I needed to control a roomba lol. User error , it happens.
Thanks Guys for the advice and jstarne1 letting me know EZ Robot is out of stock on the chip. I hope I can get a new chip if I blew up this one. I'd hate to have a pile of junk here.
I do have four v4's on pre order already and hope they ship soon.
By the way what robo doc said , sometimes removing the chip and re inserting it will reset the pic. The caps hold a tiny amount of power that keeps the chip partially powered so you need to unplug the pic and reinsert to reset it. Who knows maybe you tripped a micro fuse and it might still have some life left in it. Also check the voltage regs to make sure they are working properly.
Thnaks! You guys rock.
@Josh I remember reading a forum post a short while back from DJ that they have 500 chips V3 in stock! I could check back....
Your right that is what I saw too but I checked with Alan last week to buy a replacement board and use my existing chip and they were out as of then. Perhaps they may get more in the future at some point, that I don't know.
Some conflicting information going on here, DJ definitely said they had 500 spare chips for servicing of the V3s, I can't see all 500 being used in less than a couple of weeks! Having said that, @Josh you have said you asked if you could buy a replacement board and use your existing chip, isn't that the other way around to what is being asked here? Couldn't you and Dave combine what you have to make a working board (his board, your spare chip)? Just a thought.
@Dave, use the Contact Us page to find out for sure. And then just do the whole diagnostics on the board as described above. Hope it all works out for you!
@Rich and @Dave I too would be interested in the answer. It is hard to imagine 500 spare chips being used so quickly ...and if my I2C issue cant be resolved some way
I too may be looking for a spare board......though I know they can be purchased as well fairly inexpensively at about 20$ + or - .
@dave, I am truely sorry to hear that. What are the symptoms? Is your blue light flashing, is your main power light flashing? Is it completely dead (FUZE)? Hope it is well for you soon.
I am a clumbsy old man, so I know what that is like. I burned mine up and I had to replace a diode on the board as well as both regulators. D.j. offered to fix it for me if I could send it back. But, the shipping was real high. Good Luck Dave!
LOL(not laugh out loud, Lot's of Love!)
We do have 500 but they're in the warehouse of inventory while we were switching to a new manufacturer. Alan was saying we don't have then accessible at this time. It'll be a few weeks before we have access to them again - sorry for the confusion.
Dave, contact Alan or Jason and I'll see how we can help you out
DJ and staff busily and happily helping customers
Thanks for all of the support everyone! I will contact EZ Robot to get a nother chip or 2. I am in no really big hurry. I can wait a few weeks. I just want to be able to fix this 1. With the right parts I'm sure I can.
thanks again, Dave
Dave, we will get you operational right away
Thanks DJ. You guys are best. I'll send in my info to," Contact us," this evening. It still blows me away that you guys are willing to help get me up and running again even though it was my fault I burnt this unit out. Just goes to show you why you continue to be such a success.
I just want to publicly thank DJ and the gang for the personal treatment and resolving my issue beyond what I had asked or hoped for. Thanks EZ Robot! You make me feel important and special to you.
Awesome ! good to hear about your quick and personal service!
This is a sign of a great company.
yep Glen, these guys the real deal. Best company I've ever dealt with.
Awesome sauce, your absolutely right Ez Robot is a great company , they got my board issue taken care of as well. The replacement part is in the mail. THANKS Everyone!