Asked — Edited

ARC Updates Are Deleting Everything

:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( ARC updates deleted all my ARC data for example i used speech regognition to make jd say hi when i say hi jd and then i updated the software and boom it got erased please fix this AS SOON AS POSSIBLE :(:(:(:(:(


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Make sure you save your ARC projects, or any changes you make to your projects, to your "Projects" folder in your ARC file on your PC, or save your project to the cloud before doing any updates. That way, your work won't be lost when updating.

The save options are found in the ARC ribbon menu under "File". When you close ARC, click the conformation popup window to save changes to your project. Then do the update.

Also, make sure that you don't have another ARC file stored somewhere else on your computer. Saving a project, or changes to a project, will only save to one specified file.


This is because you edited the example JD project. The example JD project is updated with the software. All examples are updated with the software. Save the JD project as a new file if you do not wish for it to be overwritten. This is default behavior for all computer software which installs example projects and does not require fixing.

In the future, use the Save As menu option to save your copy of the project on the hard drive. Save As is a menu option found on all computer software which provides a prompt to save a new file of the project.

The Save As will save the project in your projects folder, which is not the examples folder. The projects folder is where your projects are stored.


thank you so much I will try what you said:):)