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Country: USA
Member Since:


  • 2015-09-15 - joined Synthiam
  • 2015-09-15 - created first new question
  • 2015-10-11 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2015-10-18 - shared your first video in the forum
  • 2015-12-29 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2015-12-29 - attempted to help a fellow robot builder
  • 2016-02-09 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2016-03-26 - posted a robot project showcase

Latest submissions


Wii Remote Connection Questions

the wii remote is not disscovereble on my computers bluetooth please help

Pandora Bots Does Not Understand My Voice

pandora does not understand me please help stress stress

Jd Helps Me Clean Up

This is so cool must see he is helping me clean up the Jenga game pieces Jd is awesome Jd is pretty useful in cleaning up let me know what u guys think Jd is awesome Jd is awesome Jd is awesome Jd is awesome Jd is awesome Jd is awesome Jd is awesome Jd is awesome Jd is awesomeJd is awesome Jd is awesome Jd is awesome Jd is awesomeJd is awesomeJd is...
Long Jd

Long Jd

I made a long Jd I call him LD for long D here is the picture hope you guys like it And i was even able to move him and best part no extension cables were used.
Jd Chest Gripper

Jd Chest Gripper

From now on jd has a chest gripper video coming soon

Pandora Bots Question

so this Pandora bots thing says stuff that are kind of for adults like weird stuff can you help me so it does not say weird stuff

Need Help

Does anybody know how to change jd ez robots voice
Nao Robot Jd Costume

Nao Robot Jd Costume

I made this removable NAO Jd costume i dont have a NAO robot I really wanted NAO so I just made a awesome costume

I Want To Make Jd Longer Out Of 5 Servos Instead Of 2

Hello, I want to make JDs legs and arms with 3 or 4 servo each. Has any one try making JD with Longer arms and legs, Im wondering also how JD will move with more servos ? Please HELP Thank you.

Look At What I Made Jd Do

Watch this sleep mode program I made for jd

ARC Updates Are Deleting Everything

ARC updates deleted all my ARC data for example i used speech regognition to make jd say hi when i say hi jd and then i updated the software and boom it got erased please fix this AS SOON AS POSSIBLE
Can Jd Draw On Paper

Can Jd Draw On Paper

i want to make ez robot draw a picture on paper can anybody give me the code please

Jd Talking

i need help making jd talk on windows software the ARC.

Left Shoulder Servo Doesnt Work With Servo Calibration Or Fine Tune

Hello, Im Doga Im 11 years old, I have a JD and My left shoulder servo stopped working properly today. First it was working wrong with the music action (haunt me) It was starting the action 90 degrees up instead of down like the right. Then I have realized that I cant calibrate through the E-Z builder windows and when I tried to fine tune it didnt...
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