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A couple of weeks a go DJ mentioned in a post that a 5V adapter (For common 5V sensors like the ping to connect to the EZb4 board) of some sort would appear in the online store. Just wondering what they will look like and when they might be available? Price maybe as well?
I'm not sure why it hasn't been added to the website yet, I'll get on that.
Here are pics of the adapter...
Cheers... Way better than the option I was envisioning... I will need a few for sure...
What Exactly does this adapter do? You will need one of these adapters for each sensor?
@moviemaker... There is no 5V regulator (for peripherals) on board the EZB4... Sensors typically run on 5V... The adapter drops the pin voltage on the EZB4 pins from whatever input voltage you supply (7V ~ 17V) to 5V... Otherwise you'll cook (over volt) sensors like pings if you plug them directly into the board...
OK, so EACH sensor needs an adapter? That is going to be lots of adapters. I wonder how much they are going to cost.
Oh, Thanks for the info.
I understand now. I originally lost every adapter on my LEAF robot. I had to aquire an adapter board for them. They are still in use on my Leaf Robot.
Lets see. I had about a dozen Ping, IRS, PIRS on that robot. All zapped into not working.
I hope they will be cheap. The little adapter I used cost me about $2.00 for the board and whatever it cost for the components. I put it together myself.
I was thinking of at least 10 on this robot.
Will we require the same for 5v servo's
many thanks
Andy B Uk
My servos will be 7.5V.
If your servos will be 7.5v you will have no requirement for any regulators if supplying the EZ-B V4 with a 7.4v LiPo battery.
If your servos are 5V then you will need a regulator for the port(s).
If your sensors are 5V (which generally they are) you will require a regulator for the port(s).
To attempt to make is as clear as possible. The V4 has no regulator therefore the VCC of each digital port is going to be the same as the input voltage of the EZ-B supply. In other words, if you feed the EZ-B V4 with a 12v supply you will have a VCC on all digital ports of 12v. If you feed it with 6V you will have a VCC on digital ports of 6V. If your accessory requires a specific voltage and differs from the input voltage to the EZ-B it will require a regulator.
Just placed an order 10 mins ago for the EZ-B V4 and don't see a way to add this voltage adapter to my order. Any way I can do that?
I'm also wondering if I have a 3v IC2 device, I'll have to get a 3v regulator hooked up also? Or will the current adapter have that?
I'm curious about the advantages of leaving out the 3v and 5v regulators on V4?
Well, I just now caught up on this subject. Seems I didn't know this little tidbit about EZB V4 not having regulators. I was wondering after looking at the pictures where they were hidden and how the heat was going to be dissipated. Now I know; no regulators. Well, this adds a layer of complication I had not expected. Drat!
In my B9 robot build this shouldn't be a big deal as most of my motors are powered externally by 12v converters (along with the 3 EZB's he's running off of). However I'm going to have to be very careful when I retro fit the 3 new V4's I have coming as I do have a few sensors, servos and control boards running directly off of EZB that require 5Vdc. That was very convenient and uncompleted.
I think the advantage of not having on board regulators is that the profile of the board is much smaller and it runs a lot cooler. From what I can see this design also has allowed them to be able to stack two boards on top of each other much like a Arduino shield. I've read in other posts that EZ Robot might be making available shields of their own (I don't want to take the time right now to verify that though so look it up for yourself
The disadvantages are very obvious; more complicated by needing to use off board regulators. I can foresee many blown up sensors and control boards. Robot builders, novas to expert, will have to be careful and understand this danger.
I'm sure that there is also a cost savings for EZ Robots that allowed them to add better circuitry thus giving us this amazing upgrade.
All in all it seems to be a trade off. Good or bad? You decide.
Just my thoughts.
Dave Schulpius
Well I can't say it's bad so I guess I'm of the opinion that it's a good move.
With the 5V specific circuits the easiest option would be to use an external power board like the servo ones you can get, these will carry through the signal but use the Vcc and Ground of a different supply i.e. a regulated supply.
If I get chance later I'll knock up a quick schematic type thingy that'll show how I plan to use 5v specific items on the V4. It does mean an extra board, a regulator, taking up more space and more cost but it's minimal and the advantages are a smaller footprint for the EZ-B and a cheaper EZ-B, not to mention a much lower risk of brownouts.
It is a trade off, but myself being a Vex guy, motors with their controllers can now be plugged directly into the EZB4 board... However, the sensors I use will need a voltage reg... I am 60/40 in favour of the decision to exclude the on board 5V regs, I guess... Too bad some digital and analog ports couldn't be reserved for 5V and the rest have full voltage throughput... I still am waiting for DJ's volt reg to show up in the web store ... Hopefully then can be bought in bulk as well. I am thinking I will start with 10 or so...
D.J., do you have a NAME for the little adapter card? and Where can we purchase it?