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Hey EZ-B community!
I was wondering if anyone was thinking the same thing I did when I saw the Solidoodle on Engadget recently?
Solidoodle is a <$500 3D printer that would be freakin awesome for printing those robot parts you just can't find anywhere else. All it requires is power and a USB port.
If I can justify it, I will probably pick one up this summer, but if anyone else has $500 bucks burning a hole in your pocket and wants to give it a shot, please post your experience!
Wow that's a good price! I wonder if it can print some wall-e tracks?
Probably make your money back selling the bits to other hobbyists if you can build up a library of component parts. I wonder how easy it is to digitise them?
(Now, you do know this will be the next copyright warzone?)
I'm in
I would buy one lol , so how much is the material? Does it makee strong plastic parts , like epoxy resin?
It prints ABS. Just like other 3D printers.
ABS is the same material Lego's are made of so it's really strong!
That's very interesting. This is like a CNC machine only for plastic stuff. Delrin is another type of strong plastic, flexible and light. It's great to make robot track and parts out of. In my business experienced in RC hobby upgrades, plastic parts are normally made of Delrin for durability. I'd like to pick one up but how do you create the 3D image? surely you must have that skill as well, it won't be simple for sure.
You have to use a cad program to build models and convert the files to the stl format for printing. There are many 3d mesh companies that sell pre made objects. You could use these to print from. But if you need a specific part for your robot you will have learn a 3 d modeler. I would suggest Googles Sketch Up. Very easy to create models that can be saved as obj then you can use the free program Mesh Lab to convert to stl for printing.
Yes, looks like that's the solution I've been reading up on this. This is something to think about, it could be great for making custom Robot parts/kits out of.
I just ordered one. This has good resolution for a homebrew printer. And for the cost you cannot beat it. I also have a Vflash printer and it makes amazing prints... it cost me 10K which is not too bad, as most printers are around $30k all the way upto $150K. But as a standard inkjet printer, consumables gets you everytime. The resin for my machine cost $1K for 1.8kg of material. I can print about 10 models with it. A High cost for just some simple parts, gears etc. So this seemed like a no brainer to get this machine. I'll let you know when I get it and post some pics of parts printed with it.
im tempted to order one but i think i'll need to learn the 3D drawing first. Let me know how it goes for you. If i understand it correctly, it prints using the spool of plastic they sell? and not cutting from a solid chunk of plastic, correct? I was confused this with a CNC machine for a moment. Wondering how strong the plastic is when making tiny parts, is it flexible or solid?
It is ABS, Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene. The stuff they make Lego blocks out of. Tough as nails.
I will definitely be looking forward to hearing about your experience with it. Especially if you have alot higher end printer you can compare it too.
I'm wondering about the smell if this was to be used indoor concerning health hazard. Can you share your experience in what kind of environment requirements these 3D printer can be used safely?
The ABS machines do tend to stink as the abs melts. But ABS is supposed to be safe. You can run in garage, or add a box fan to a window and pull the air out. These ABS machines are small and can be used in appartments etc.