
Bug Thread For Bugs Or Issues In Early Release Versions

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I know early releases can be buggy so I thought I would create a thread to post issues we find  Preferences Auto Refresh is labeled Auto Backup If Blocky Script is default it won't save if you go straight to JavaScript (Need to do a blocky like print hello world then save then switch to javascript Doesn't convert blocky to EZ-Script only Javasript


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#1   — Edited

thanks:) I'll take a look at those

  • Blockly will never convert to ezscript, that's not a design. It only supports javascript

  • typo fixed (auto subscription update)


I'm unable to produce "javascript doesn't save". See this attached video if your results differ?

#3   — Edited

Thanks I will try and do a video of non save problem. Maybe just a cell phone video.

I thought back in the day before you had JavaScript and only blocky and ex-script it did a blocky to easyscript conversion.

#4   — Edited

yeah - before javascript the Blockly converted to ez-script. However, due to the maturity and performance of JavaScript over ez-script, the change over happened a year or so ago. EZ-Script is only maintained for historical purposes. No future development is being done in EZ-Script, as it's just far too slow and non-standard. It only exists in ARC and therefore doesn't have cross-knowledge elements

Let me know what your results of the Blockly -> javascript are so i can see what to do about it:)


ok maybe my bad javascript as if I create a script with something like print " "; it will save but here was my first line and if you paste this in it will not save  var servo_reverse = (Servo.GetPosition(d2));

but if I put print " ";    as first line then that line it saves.  Now I go back and delete the print statement all is good.  Strange


Oh i see. you're right clicking and selecting PASTE, correct?

The editor detects that you're writing code in the editor with the keyboard. I'll fix that for you. In the meantime, use CTRL-V to paste until the fix is published


yep was the paste I was copying the script I wrote to each button on joystick. Wow good fault finding;  CTRL-V worked THANKS


Okay - it's fixed for next update. And that means if you updated last night's build - you get to use the auto update feature:)


Oh wow really EZ script will be removed then in Future? what was I using a few days ago when  I did some simple scripts, I think EZ script was still there ? I will go back and check as I always thought that was cool how Blockly could automatically switch to EZ Script and then the Cheat Sheet made it very easy to learn all the functions to code what the robot could do. I will go have a look ,I guess the Cheat Sheet will also work with Java script? I will go explore and see what changed. I was recently still using Blockly to run some servo commands so that still works good. Also how the movement panels all can work seemlessly with the other script commands ,Is like supernatural magic now,not complaining!:D

#10   — Edited

There is no plan or mention of EZ-Script being removed.

The Cheat Sheet works in JavaScript & python.

Here is a link the JavaScript manual in the Support section:

Here is a link to the Python manual in the Support section:

Here is a link to the EZ-Script manual in the Support section:

Here is how you access the support section

User-inserted image


Very Nicely documented as usual DJ sir!


Minor bug:  when you start a new script in Blockly mode the camera isn't show open but if you switch to Javascript the camera opens and then switch back to Blockly camera is displayed.


Early Access and Check for update didn't update so I assume the latest.  Now the obvious question, how do you check version?


The about button like all software:)

or when first loaded with empty project it says in the title bar until a project loads. But generally about button is how you find out about most software


That is exactly where I looked but did not see it on window header.  Most software puts the name of the application at the top of the window and the version in the text in the window .  I did not see it on the header until I looked for the 3rd time.  2020 12.13.00


Ha okay. I’ll make it more prominent as you suggested

#18   — Edited

okay fixed in next release:). Blockly camera and the version in about page being more clear


Cool thanks DJ.


Well I just received a bug, getting the email that my subsciption payment did not go through but I made the payment on the 14th or 15th using a Visa gift card, I sent proof to the Synthiam Email. Is this always going to happen every month with New Gift card used ? As the number on the card will keep changing every month?


The number on the gift card or credit card is what identifies it. It's not a bug. If you are given a debit card or any card that has a number on it, that number is unique to that card. You would have to update your payment information with the new card number prior to the billing period. Either that or save money by purchasing a yearly subscription rather than monthly. A monthly subscription ends up costing more.


Okay thanks, now I know what to do next time.

#23   — Edited

SayEZB doesn't appear to work in Blockly when you press start but still works if you click on Javascript tab


Provide information please


not sure how to provide more info maybe follow these steps

  1. Add Script to your desktop
  2. Open Blockly
  3. Tell Blockly to SayEZB Hello World
  4. Press Start - Crickets
  5. Click on Javascript Tab
  6. Click Run - Robot says hello world
#26   — Edited

I can't seem to reproduce that. Works fine for me


strange I closed ARC reopened same thing  works in Javascript not blockly

User-inserted image


Tried another Robot , on another PC, same thing  OK the network is common but heh I think I ruled everything else out.