Robot Apps

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Remote control robots or add telepresence capabilities with Exosphere
Add remote telepresence capabilities to your robot from your phone or PC
Add your robot to Exosphere
Sythiam Swag
Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker

Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker

Add your soundtrack to robot building adventures, or add this to your robot! Introducing the Synthiam IPX6-certified...
GPS by James Graham Hu
By James Graham Hu


Read longitude, latitude, speed and time from the ublox NEO-6M GPS

mereyes WALL-E by mereyes
By mereyes

mereyes WALL-E

Ill be posting the work in progress pics for my Wall-e here. Specs: EZ-B v3 Bluetooth Robot Controller (best invention ever!) 2 x Modified...

Launch Control V4java

Launch Control V4java

collaboration with DJ on launch control for model rocket. More to come as I develop this as a Mobile App using an IO Tiny to control the launch.
Launch Control V3

Launch Control V3

collaboration with DJ on launch control for model rocket. More to come as I develop this as a Mobile App using an IO Tiny to control the launch.
Launch Control V2

Launch Control V2

collaboration with DJ on launch control for model rocket. More to come as I develop this as a Mobile App using an IO Tiny to control the launch.


version with 3 scripts for moving camera up and down. works fine but not easy to conrol with moving left right.
Jp-3Wheels Newbot

Jp-3Wheels Newbot

3 wheels bot with camera iotiny ultrasonic ,horn speaker ( is louder).. need another with remote outside house. I switch off wifi, smartphone is wwith 4g/lte connected. i entered the...
Jp-3Wheels Bot

Jp-3Wheels Bot

3 wheels bot with camera iotiny ultrasonic ,horn speaker ( is louder).. need another with remote outside house. I switch off wifi, smartphone is wwith 4g/lte connected. i entered the router...
Six Steve Vorres V7 Ir Xbox

Six Steve Vorres V7 Ir Xbox

This is the EZ-Robot Revolution Six example starter project. There is a great tutorial course on our website at with information on getting your Six...
Ez-Inmoov Head Basic

Ez-Inmoov Head Basic

EZ-inMoov Head basic project. The EZ-InMoov Robot Head is a game-changer in the DIY/educational robot market, opening up new possibilities for research and exploration while...
EZ-Inmoov Head Adv

EZ-Inmoov Head Adv

EZ-inMoov Head advanced project. The EZ-InMoov Robot Head is a game-changer in the DIY/educational robot market, opening up new possibilities for research and exploration while...


i use aimlbot ] extension for aiml files, more files .i use bin speech. works quite well. some funnz answers from aimlbot . use VOD, means start recording when zou begin to speak


short play with bing speech recognition and pandora. works ok but the answers from pandora can be very funny


add a scrit to init script by connecting. scripts name is hello. the script hello, repeats the text in speech synthetis. eech recognition has 2...