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In order to use this app, you need Synthiam ARC software.


Last updated

the voice is close to the one used in the movie colossus, the forbin project. a movie with AI already


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I dont know ,I tried your settings, not very close and I have seen the movie many times. They used the same German Synthesizer organ as the Battlestar Galactica later on.I know pretty good how to use vocoder settings on other P.C. software. So I did the best I could with thee ARC settings on Speech settings skill.Took the 3 main settings Super Pitch, Chorus and FlangeBaby..screen captured the settings..

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and Also In Flange baby the main switch to control how deep the robot effect covers up the Dave voice, is the Mix switch, less number sounds more human but increase the slider to right forĀ  deeper robot effect.It is fun to play around but any other minor adjustments can ruin the effect if you forget what number you change.:)


For me the setting was close to the colossus voice. i pickup the video

controlCommand("Speech Settings", "Chorus", "Enable", true) controlCommand("Speech Settings", "Chorus", "chorus length (ms)", 158) controlCommand("Speech Settings", "Chorus", "number of voices", 8) controlCommand("Speech Settings", "Chorus", "rate (hz)", 14.5) controlCommand("Speech Settings", "Chorus", "pitch fudge factor", 0.7) controlCommand("Speech Settings", "Chorus", "wet mix (dB)", -1) controlCommand("Speech Settings", "Chorus", "dry mix (dB)", -45) i have to re listen again, it is quite old but the settings was not bad. I watched the french version but the colossus voice does not differ a lot from the original