Reading dynamixel servo position teaser. The update this week will include the ability to read positions from bi-directional servos, including Robotis Dynamixel.
There's also a new ez-script command to read any supported servo position for your custom programs as well!
Here's a video where I demonstrate the new capability with the Auto Position behavior control. I'll move the servos by hand and save the position to new frames. After adding the frames to an action, they can be played back with your custom settings.
Enjoy :D
There's also a new ez-script command to read any supported servo position for your custom programs as well!
Here's a video where I demonstrate the new capability with the Auto Position behavior control. I'll move the servos by hand and save the position to new frames. After adding the frames to an action, they can be played back with your custom settings.
Enjoy :D gears are whirling!!!!!
That's great. Will Synthiam be developing a feed back servo? Maybe something not as big and as expensive as the dynamixal ?
I can’t see from the video exactly what you did to the actual cable... can you explain further? Also will I be able to see feedback from all 6 of my mixed dynamixel servos at the same time? Thanks. Chris
You can read up to 99 servos at the same time
The cable merely has two plugs for the ezb. I’ll post a diagram this week
Synthiam wont be making any hardware. All hardware is made by ezrobot or one of our hardware partners, like Robotis.
This is great. Looking forward to your next "latest and greatest".
Great video DJ, I have Dynamixel servos 1,2,7,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, and 18 to go with my other regular servos. Will it all work together on the ezb4 hooked up because I amusing a hub with a ps2 controller as well? Please let me know Mike.
you bet - long as the RX and TX are connected.
The Ps2 controller is irrelevant because it's merely another ARC peripheral.
Thank you DJ, where can I get the rx and tx connectors from?
I combined a dynamixel cable with an extension cable.
All you need is the RX and TX of the EZ-B to connect to the signal wire of the Dynamixel. I cut the end off the extension cable and soldered the WHITE wire to the WHITE wire of the dynamixel cable. And i connected them to the EZ-B on port D5 and D6
Thank you DO once again.
Hello DJ, can you make me one and I will pay for it because I have vision problems on soldering please. I will pay for what ever I need to continue with my project ok thank you.
Good morning DJ, so I'm looking at another connection in port6 with 1 wire attached to to extension wire, and which that wire is in port5. That's it because I've other Dynamixel servos I need to plug in?
Hey Jersey - I can't make the cable for you but someone else may be able to help on here if they see this thread.
To answer your question, the 1 wire attached to the extension wire is port 5 and the other is port 6
On the EZ-B v4, Port 5 is TX and Port 6 is RX. They should be connected together for the dynamixel. Because the dynamixel sends and receives using 1 wire. So they have to be connected together on the EZ-B v4 for the dynamixel to read/write servo positions
Sorry to be a pain sir, but I appreciate it.