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  • 2012-08-28 - joined Synthiam
  • 2012-08-31 - created first new question
  • 2012-11-22 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2013-07-20 - posted a robot project showcase

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Reproduction Tomy Omnibot Jr/Omnibot/Omnibot 2000 Robot Tire Sets For Sale

For those who may not have read my Omni2k wheels thread, I am now offering reproduction tires for sale for the Omnibot Jr, Omnibot and Omnibot 2000 robots. Tires are sold in sets, available in a variety of colours and are available worldwide. Please checkout my ebay listing for details. Reproduction Tomy Omnibot Jr/Omnibot/Omnibot 2000 robot tire...

Omnibot 2K Wheels

Hey Guys, Im just starting off a new project after I got an Omnibot 2k off ebay. Ill be creating a project page for it soon, but I thought Id share a little bit of it now. When I dismantled the bot, and gave it a clean, I noticed that the wheels were pretty degraded. I know josh can create new ones, but being new to this, I really wanted to learn...

How To Use H-Bridge With Gradual Turns?

Hey Guys, Ive seen the tutorial video and the sample source code for controlling motors via a H-bridge, but all these have the motors being in 4 fixed states (5 if you count stopped) Fwd, Back, Left and Right. What I want to be able to do though is have a robot turn in a more gradual manor. If you think of a joystick, pushing forward should get...

My Ez-Board Just Went Pop

Man, I just though Id have a play with my ez-b having not played with it for a while, but when I connected the battery, nothing happened. Removed the power and re attached it a few times when it decided to just go pop Anyone any idea what happened? And whether its repairable? Really cant afford another one at the moment Matt

Omnibot 2000 Fingers

Hey Guys, You may have seen my omnibot tires that I make, but here is something else Im working on I need to remake the mould as I got way too many air bubbles in (might have a go at making a vacuum chamber) but I know what I need to change to get perfect reproductions. Coming to an eBay near you soon

Can The Key Control Control Handle None Standard Keys?

Hey guys, Just wondering if / how one can configure the key control to handle none standard keys, such as Page up, Page down, Home, End, etc?

[For Sale] Configurable Robot Gripper Finger Kit For Use With Lynxmotion Bracket

For anyone who has not been following along on my OmniMC project, I made some custom gripper fingers that are really quite flexible for use with the standard Lynxmotion brackets. When I had them made, I had to get quite a few done, so thought I would sell the rest on. Checkout my ebay page for more info. Robot Gripper Finger Kit for use with...

Camera Mods

Hey guys, ive seen a few posts where people have said they have moded the ez camera to run off the ez board / main power supply, and removed the need for a power switch etc, but cant find any details on how to perform them. Anyone got any details on how to do these? Or even better a video? Cheers Matt

For Sale Section?

Hey, I was just wondering if it would be a good idea to have a for sale / wanted section on the forum? Im after a few bits for my robots and I have a few things to sell aswell. Ive been recommended people to speak to about parts when they come up during a conversation in a thread, but it could be cool to have a place to specifically ask for these,...

Heavy Duty Servos

Hi guys, Has anyone used the mg995 servos for heavy duty work? (moving omnibot 200 arms/head) Would you recommend them? Ive read that they tend to overshoot when positioning. If so, is it highly noticable? Also, anyone know what make the ones are forsale in the ez store? Many thanks Matt

General Suggestion For The Forum

Hi DJ, Just thought Id make a suggestion. Im not sure what forum software you use, but it would be cool if when it emails you a link to a reply to one of your forum posts, could it link you to that comment? Right now it seems to just send you to the first page, but would be handy if it could send you straight to the response. Many thanks and keep...

Omnibot 2000 Bumper Wanted

Hey Guys, I purchased an Omnibot 2000 off ebay, but didnt realize it had its front bumper missing. Does anybody know where I can get a spare? Or what works as an alternative? Some kind of rubber t-molding? Many thanks Matt

Console Application Example

Hey, I was wondering if anyone had an example of using the EZ SDK via a console application? All the samples are full on WinForm apps, where as I would just like to create a simple console app. The problem being, it seems all connections in the WinForms apps are using the EZB_Connect user control, which doesnt work inside a console app. Has anybody...

Suggest A H-Bridge?

Hey Guys, First time poster, I was wondering if I could get some advice from the veterans. After seeing DJs wall-e robot, Ive been working on making my own for a while. Originally I was looking to do it using a netduino as Im a .NET developer but kept hitting some bricks walls I couldnt get passed. So now Im looking to move it over to using the...
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