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Country: Italy
Member Since:


  • 2011-11-13 - joined Synthiam
  • 2011-11-13 - joined your first forum discussion
  • 2011-11-28 - created first new question
  • 2012-07-12 - posted a robot project showcase
  • 2015-06-18 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2016-12-06 - shared your first photo in the forum
  • 2016-12-08 - shared your first video in the forum

Latest submissions


Camera Stop Doesnt Work In C# Sdk

Hi Im having some problems stopping the webcam using the C# SDK. StopCamera() method doesnt work and camera is still active. I need to kill the iis express process to make it stop. My current code that is not working is this: Camera.StopCamera(); Camera.OnNewFrame -= Camera_OnNewFrame; Camera.Dispose(); Camera = null; Ezb.Disconnect();

Could Not Connect On Windows 10 Ez V3

Hi guys I just updated windows 8.1 to windows 10 and I now got this error on ARC: 8/15/2015 1:44 AM - Disconnected 8/15/2015 1:44 AM - Attempting connection on COM3 8/15/2015 1:44 AM - Connection Failed: System.TimeoutException: Timeout di scrittura. in System.IO.Ports.SerialStream.Write(Byte[] array, Int32 offset, Int32 count, Int32 timeout) in...

Ssd Relay

Hi guys. Ive bought a SSD relay for the lights of my robot since Im using 220V for now. This is the schema the seller has sent me: Ive connected the black cable (ez robot gnd to the minus of the realy) and the red cable (the middle one) to the +. With this configuration the lights are not controlled by the ez board. When i plug the batteries on...
Suggestion: Create A Custom Interface Builder

Suggestion: Create A Custom Interface Builder

I know this is hard to implement but i think would be nice. I played many videogames and i love their awesome interface. Im...

Camera Image Without Red Bars

Im coding the software for Zeus. I want to have a full screen image from the webcam. Ive followed the #18 tutorial and now I have a working camera but in fullscreen the red bars are too big. Is there a way to have only the camera image? The updatepreview function is the only way to update images? In this way I cant use the FrameRate attribute.
What Kind Of Motor Is This?

What Kind Of Motor Is This?

I just got this motor from the junkyard and was wondering how it worked. I thought it was a 3 phase motor with a 24V input and the 3 pins are for the movement signals...

Gyroscope Question

I need a gyroscope for balancing my robot. After a long search and high prices i found this: input voltage 5v. Uses the same 3 pin configuration of ez board. Should be perfect, Is it compatible? Also can i ask...

Finger Pad Bug

I was so amazed of the new function and Im testing it. I think theres a problem with your algorithm when you save the array matrix into ram. The bigger you set the finger pad the most ram it uses. Im using the windows developer preview but im almost sure this will happen on all O.S. I made some tests and i figured out that you keep track of too...
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