Wel I know this is asking alot



Wel I know this is asking alot from a robotic device. It would not jjst be a robot that does parlor tricks or take place of actual parenting. In fact, it would encourage better parenting and more interactions with ones child, fro as young as a new born to the development of when the child is off to the first day of school. As well, so on from there. Almost like a pet, this would have to be fully contolable from the parents side. It would and could learn with your child, and teach it only parent approved lessions, from the ABC's to friendly dreminders such as "Did You remeber to put our toys away" to "Mmmm dinners ready, lets wash our hands and go eat!" almost like it was a companion, however these messages are being sent and directed from the parents controler. It would have pre-programed memory or able to make special notes of things the child likes "oh hey, its5pm. Dora the explorer is on TV. Lets ask mom if we can watch it?" And possibly even add on "or would you rather stay here and..." giving the child the option of the other choice. It could play music, or even have the face of the robot act as a monitor, or even relay messages that the parent has pre-recorded for the kid. Such as a warning about a household concern or even have dad sing his favorite lullaby when he is having difficulty sleeping. This robot would be aimed mostly at preschoolers, and would have small cellular capabilities such as GPS and have "emergency response" in case the child was to be in harms way. For example, if the child sperates from the robot a amber warning would alert the parents and local police and have photo capabilities of location and who the child interacted witb last. As well, a stealth mode where the robot is looking like a childs toy, but thru parental monitoring danger has been detected and authorities or emergency response has been alerted, yet is silent on the end of the child. Not allerting the perpetrator allowing the element of surprize. A whole slew of safety controls and monitoring ablities on the parental side of the the parental side to help keep your child safe and as well control over what your child learns with his new friend. Yes I know it seems like I am asking for a babysitter with a one time cost factor. Thats not the idea at all. It would be limited to functions and would only be able to suggest and remind of certian lessions the parent instilled on the robotic companion. As well provide a companion and act as a source of interactive entertainment for the child. What can I say, Im an expecting father, and I want my son to have the coolest toys I didnt get when I was his age... I had a "See and Say Farm" when I was a kid. It rarely had batteries. Lol


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