I want to upgrade JD



Hi! I want to "upgrade" JD so he gets more human like and a bit taller.

I would like to ad 6 servos to his "lower" body/legs so he will be more moveable. Why not build a lower body part (a box like the "Humanoid Body" -part) and install servos so the legs can rotate, move outwards, rotate the upper body & (this might be the tricky one) why not have a servo to bend the joint between the bodyparts forward like you makes a crunch. This would make JD to a "complete" humanoide and more useful & flexible! Maybe the arms need an extension block to give JD a better reach after this "upgrade", but not to much so he looks like a monkey like now:) The hands (gripper) would be only a bit lower then the hips to give him a more "human" look.

(I'm building an full size "R2D2" and the humanoid "InMoov" and this little fellow is a nice supplement to my collection.) Thanx for a really nice and fun little bott:)



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