I picked up the Dev Kit right



I picked up the Dev Kit right before x-mas.. went through the training, everything we smooth.. until the end.. that's when I started think what's next?

Why not add on to the Dev training that shows/trains you on how to make a quick bot... that's what I'm doing, I've seen a few post around asking for the same, what's next..

So this is what I recommend..

Project Name: Dev servo Bot

Parts needed to print, Buy.. Hexapod Body Extension Cube Lever servo - 180 Degrees Continuous Rotation Servo Hexapod Foot (modified - Shorten)


Lever servo - 180 Degrees to build arms on each side..

or add a Camera or Sensor! EZ-B v4 Camera,Ultrasonic Distance Sensor

Use 2 wheels on Continuous Rotation Servo. connect them to Hexpad Body

connect Hexapod Foot (modified - Shorten) to the front of the Hexapod Body to hold up front



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