Hello,Very simply, Im maki




Very simply, Im making sort of a wheeled centipede. Im building it from misc PVC parts (standard dimensions) and using small and cheap eBay-China electronics. Plus the EZ-B4 of course...

The centipede is module-based. Basically only one kind of building block dressed in different kinds of outer plastic (or all the same for that matter). The basic part is a simple slow moving, high torque 2wd that you can mount in series of how many you would like (guess ports on EZ-B is the only limiting factor) for a 4wd, 6wd, 8wd, 10wd or 30wd if you like. Linked together, two or more 2wds makes part of a "spine" that kan be moved Left / right, and up (to arch the centipede for fun, to make a large wheel from a 10wd, or to climb obstacles no other crawler / robot would manage). The more 2wds you connect together, the longer the centipede.

So. An "all-terrain" centipede that can roll back on itself into a larger wheel by arching its spine or navigate stairs, rocks and your friend. Mine is going to be slow and strong. 10-15cm pr secound, some 15kg/cm torque pr wheel / 30-isg kg/cm pr 2wd / module (Im sure you could use limitless servos for the wheels, mine has geared 12v motors).

Since this is just a hobby project, Ive just made concept drawings for my own use. They are more "DaVinci" inspirational than actual anything, but they are based on 108mm wheels, 16mm ID PVC fittings, and on my drawing the spine is animated by wire and by one servo before front joint, and the right / left is pure wire transmissions. Also Some parts in the drawing are related to my metal detecting-integration, that probably isnt of much use to you.

I have a drawing out at Flickr. "Module" would be the little 2wd down in the right corner: https://www.flickr.com/photos/caegear/24658138791/



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