Few ideas come to mind. 1)



Few ideas come to mind.

  1. Arm Pet. Robot that wraps it self (like others mentioned here before like a snake) around your arm or shoulder. Should be able to stream audio, capture video / images and ability to have sensors. Heart monitor etc. If the robot is not on the arm, Should be able to roll or navigate to its owner / partner.

  2. Keychain robot. Locates you via phone app. So they keychain w/ keys can crawl to you or roll out. Would require a smaller brain size (Ez-Robot platform)

  3. Phone robot. Plug in your iPhone or Android into the robot. Robot will now take your phone to a charger and continue to charge your phone. Until you call to a robot to bring your phone.

  4. Projector Movie Robot / Video Conference. With a built in projector to watch movies or communicate. However this robot is able to tell if image is out of focus. Should walk or drive to a position in the room for a perfect distance from the projection screen / wall. Must be able to take commands to pause, play etc.

Thank you for your consideration, Greg Shabanov.



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