A completely automated robot t



A completely automated robot to replace the personal medical alarm. Current medical alarms systems still require some form of human interaction (or lack of interaction after a specified time) to activate them, which may result in delays to delivery of medical assistance.

The idea is that an alert will be sent out if the owner is observed to fall, or adopt an unusual position (ie lying on the floor). Sensors (ie Kinect) can be intergrated into the abode, or be attached to a mobile drone that follows the owner around. Other sensors that may also assist in sending out an alert would include heart rate and respiratory monitors and temperature sensors.

Another useful robot would be one that helps pick up people from the floor after a floor. Would definitely save a lot of ambulance call outs.

Obviously, all of this is way above my pay grade / level of expertise, so I will be satisfied with building a wall-e with Skype functions to keep my wife company when she has to work interstate.



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